Dec 23, 2005 11:22
Since the transit strike ended during a terrible trek home yesterday (home being Michelle Ku's house), the way home was still trying and some profusely apologizing man's jacket and my eye had a little brush with each other, and Janice picked us up from there. We hailed over thirty or forty cabs until one agreed to take us to Penn Station, from which we took the LIRR to Bayside.
I really hate being cold. I'm not cold right now, though. Just commenting on what is to follow.
Tuesday, I didn't bother with school.
Wednesday, I walked to school and home from school after stopping to visit the tree.
Yesterday, (which is kind of still today, since neither Connie and I have slept, though Michelle is still conked out) I started out walking to school and was about to die and took two cabs over instead. Worked in the Music office, and then slightly plotted and "went caroling"--walked around for a while with Michelle, Matt, Ben, & Fanny and sang at times.
Something stupid: do not only eat candy for the 24+ hours after walking home really tired with cramped muscles. Yes, I'm fat and out of shape. I probably always will be. But that's okay! I'm lazy...
Time for Winter Break!
P.S. I like secrets (Re: last entry). (A tad bit obvious about desperation? Yes. Please.)
P.P.S. I love Connie. Michelle fell asleep as Connie and I told each other terrible stories. My stories were worse than Connie's--in one of them, we all died. (Don't ask.)