Wild Animals

Dec 30, 2023 11:02

Recede from internet
into plants and cats
and notebooks and writing.
Grow catnip in random
and habituated patterns.
Confused and upset, I’m
not Zen. Put good memories
in my notes. “Billionaires
are getting richer during the
global pandemic” is a haiku.
I’m crying. Myna birds are
making loud complex noises
in an o’hia tree. I’m fasting
from the global internet
in somewhat random patterns.
Remember when we looked
at guinea pigs and fish
and car colors? I got chills
on the second viewing
of the color-changing water,
when I was no longer upset.
I told you about the Nazi printing
of British money-forty percent
was fake by the end of the war,
a probably ongoing crime,
which you said explained
inflation. Grief is a sudden
and gradual rearranging
of reality through one’s views
on death. Change is a synonym
for time. Wild animals are amazing.
They know how to live.

tao lin, poetry

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