BSG Reaction Post #3

Feb 17, 2011 16:37

It's been an epic week (Brokeheart Mountain us up to 10K hits!  I got a job!) but never fear -- I still have time to catalogue my reactions to BSG in gif form!  Spoilers through 3.17 up in here...

When I last left off I was fretting over Felix Gaeta's fate, but don't worry you guys HE IS FINE and I am like...

Then we find all of the sicky poo Cylons and Lee comes up with a great plan to rid the world of the mean olf toasters but Helo takes offense to this and so he thwarts the plan and I am like OH JEEZ HELO...

And then the guy from Adama's past comes back and I love me some Bill Adama but mostly this episode leads to me discover that I do not have a YAWN ICON so I'll just say that this is generally how I feel when BSG does these sort of stand alone eps that do not further the main story:

And then HOLY CRAP OMG WHAT IS LIFE we have "Unfinished Business" in which we have flashbacks of SO MUCH EYE SEX woven in with the present angsty jabs and PALPABLE UST...

And then it is revealed that Lee laid everything on the table and that Kara and Lee HAD SEX and I am like...

And then Lee confesses that he loves her and they both SHOUT THEIR EPIC LOVE INTO THE STARRY NIGHT and the whole thing is like THE BEST KIND OF FANFICTION THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING and I am like...

But then Kara runs away and marries Sam and my heart -- it is broken...

And meanwhile they are punching the shit out of each other  and everyone is watching INCLUDING THEIR SPOUSES and it's so unbelievably hot and tragic and perfect and I am just a total mess...


The Kat dies and I never liked her that much, but I am still a little bit...

Then we have "The Eye of Jupiter", which starts off on the right foot with some Kara/Lee infidelicious making out...

But then Kara says she won't get a divorce (which...I DO NOT BUY, but one can argue that she just likes to keep running away from Lee) and Lee won't cheat and I am like WELL ISN'T THAT JUST GREAT YOU GUYS...

But then Kara's raptor goes down and there is so much HOT Lee/Sam arguing and Lee asks his WIFE to go rescue the REAL LOVE OF HIS LIFE and I am so very...

And meanwhile Baltar, DeAnna, Caprica and The WTF!Hybrid are blathering on and on about things I don't care that much about and these mystical Cylon scenes exhaust me like whoa...

The only thing that intrigues me is the issue of the final five Cylons.  But then my husband went and looked up who they are and now he keeps threatening to spoil me so I am like...

Then comes "Taking a Break From All Your Worries", which plays much like an acid trip of half-baked ideas and confused acting...

The Chief is busy bitching about his marriage (even though we have seen nothing to indicate this -- show don't tell BSG) and I hate the whole trope of men going to bars because they hate their marriages so I'm just...

And Kara and Lee have the weirdest half scenes in which they discuss NOTHING even though their hearts are on the line...

And Roslin is running around yelling and acting like a lunatic, which is fine for some people but makes NO SENSE for her character...

And the thing about Sam is that he's actually a cool character and a really decent guy, so you don't even get the satisfaction of hating him, which is...

And Lee ends up staying with Dee and telling her that he asked her to marry him because he loved her EVEN THOUGH HE IS STILL HAVING EYE SEX WITH KARA ACROSS THE BAR and this is when I begin to go insane...

It's a mess of an episode even though it feels like I should love it because it is ostensibly about Kara/Lee.  WHAT A WASTE OF POTENTIAL AWESOMENESS.

Then I'll just skip the mind numbing boringness of the next 3 stand-alone eps so we can discuss "Maelstrom."  On second though, I cannot discuss that episode because...


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