Battlestar Galactica

Jan 16, 2011 14:24

Okay, so I started watching Battlestar Galactica after much poking and prodding from the lovely taragel and thrace_adama.  Here are my reactions in gif form!

So first I watched the miniseries and I was like...

I LOVED Kara and Lee (as I had been told I would).  I also loved Adama and Roslin -- both of the actors are MAGNIFICENT and I love the weight and the realism that they bring to their roles.

Then I started watching the series in earnest.  The first few episodes involving the lack of sleep and the search for water and everything on the Astral Queen were so crazy good.  I didn't like any Sharon scenes, though, and then they introduced a Sharon on Caprica storyline and I was forced to watch TWO separate Sharon story arcs and I was like...

Mainly, though, I was waiting for Kara and Lee to start making out...

Then there was that crazy awesome set of episodes where Adama finds out that Kara passed Zak when he should have failed.  Then Kara crash lands on that planet (moon?) and FIGURES OUT HOW TO PILOT THE MOTHERFUCKING CYLON RAIDER AND IS SO AWESOME and I was like...

Then there was the episode where Kara says Lee's name while she is sleeping with Baltar and Lee calls her out on it and there is so much HOT HOT HOT UST and I was like...

But then Kara went to Caprica and rapidly (too rapidly) fell for that Pyramid player and I was like...

And meanwhile Adama and Roslin are fighting and it feels like Mommy and Daddy might be getting a divorce.  Then Sharon shoots Adama and I can't even handle it...

But then everything gets resolved and Lee is so happy to see Kara when she returns safely that he kisses her and they have that amazing scene where Lee tells her that he loves her and she teases him about it and I am like...

But then they STILL do not make out and things are beginning to get distressing...

But then Dee finally talks some sense into Adama and he rejoins Roslin and the rest of the fleet and I am feeling so much love for Dee and for the whole show...

Then then Pegasus shows up and it's pretty clear that Admiral Cain is a big bad meanie but I have a feeling that it's going to take a few episodes to get through this storyline so I am just like...

And still -- STILL YOU GUYS -- Kara and Lee are not making out.  And now it seems like they are introducing a Lee/Dee relationship and I am like...

And I know that the ship is doomed and you would think that I am used to this.  After all, I love these devastating kids...

But still, MY HEART.  I think these pilots are going to ruin my heart.  Okay, off to watch more...;-)


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