Goals for the Day

Feb 19, 2011 12:17

Look at all the Red Notes
Mark the pages to be scanned and emailed to Tutor.
Write clearly what I'm asking him and what I need to know to counter Tutor's rambling
Look at Yellow Notes
Tackle at least two of the reading/rewriting notes.

Doesn't sound like a lot, but there are a LOT of Red Notes where I have no idea what I'm meant to be doing (or what he's written in some cases), and the Yellow Notes at this stage involve reading through entire previous essays, searching books for one person's contribution, or searching through handouts for one article, so they are time intensive.

Feeling a bit better today, apart from the explosion of sores on my face, but am allowing myself the pleasure of staying in pyjamas and dressing gown on sofa and ordering take away later (so I don't have to leave the flat!) if I get some work done.

Tomorrow I have a do at my old work place and a do online in Warcraft ;) So it might be a busy day, although both things depend on how I'm feeling health wise and essay wise.

Enough writing about what I'm planning to do, time to do it.
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