Title: Middle of Nowhere
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They were created by Annie Proulx. I make no money from this and don't want to.
Thanks: To smilesalot. Thank you, Em, for all your help, you have helped me so much, and I'm so glad you're my beta.
Feedback: Oh yes please!! I appreciate every word.
Author's Note: This chapter
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Comments 89
I've just read all the earlier chapters of this story over the weekend, and am very glad to see an update. You are doing a terrific job with this story: great characterization, perceptive and evocative writing, attention to details... I really enjoy it. Thank you!
more soon, Please!!
I just want to tell you that I really like your story a lot, I have read it from the beginning and loved every chapter. It is a wonderful, heartfelt and passionate description of a blooming love and as a reader I am feeling like I am right at this holiday camp myself, I can see the whole story like a movie before my inner eye.
I am really curious what Ennis has carved for Jack´s birthday and if they are able to spend some time alone on this special day.
Thank you so much for sharing this marvellous story, it is always a pleasure and joy to read a new chapter.
Have a nice evening
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