Kiss Me Like Snow - a Middle of Nowhere Christmas One-Shot

Dec 23, 2008 20:58

Title: Kiss Me Like Snow
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They were created by Annie Proulx. I make no money from this and don't want to.
Rating: NC-17
Dedication: For Keren. 
Feedback: Oh yes please!! I appreciate every word.
Authors Note:  This is a very short (but hopefully sweet) one-shot, set during the first Christmas after camp ended in the summer.  Jack comes to stay with Ennis for a few days over Christmas, and Ennis gives Jack a present that was mentioned in a previous MON chapter.  I hope you like it.

Kiss me like snow

Ennis dragged the toboggan out of the barn and let it fall on the snow covered ground outside.  He stamped his feet and clapped his gloved hands together, trying to keep warm while he waited for Jack. How long does it take to find a pair of gloves and hat anyhow? Ennis wondered.  The bag Jack brought with him the day before wasn’t exactly big and overflowing with stuff.  That made him think back on the moment Jack stepped off the bus; he thought his heart would burst from the overwhelming sense of happiness and relief that, after four long, lonely months, Jack was really here, at last.

“Where’d you get to, huh?” Ennis grunted as Jack finally emerged from the house.  His gruff tone was in sharp contrast to the feeling that suddenly grabbed him as Jack ran over, grinning widely and looking like the happiest person alive.

“Couldn’t find my gloves. KE lent me some.” Jack held up his hands to show Ennis.  Ennis nodded, captivated by the wide-eyed excitement Jack was exuding.  He took a quick look towards the house and reached for the woollen beanie covering Jack’s head, playfully pulling it down over his ears. The smile Jack gave him in return was enough to make him want to grab Jack’s hand and pull him into the barn.  But he had a promise to keep to Jack first.  The barn could wait.

“So, what’s it gonna be first?“ Jack asked Ennis, excitedly.  “Build a snowman or a snowball fight?”

“Well, it ain’t actually gonna be either of those,”  Ennis teased.

“Huh?”  Ennis allowed Jack to follow his eyes down to the toboggan that lay next to his feet, hoping that would cut short Jack's disappointment.  Ennis saw Jack’s look of confusion turn quickly into child-like astonishment as his eyes lit up like Christmas.

“We goin’ sledging, Ennis?”

“Yeah.” Ennis replied. “We are.”

“You remembered.”

Ennis nodded.  “When you told me you’d try and make it here for Christmas, first thing I did was go in the barn to see if the old toboggan was still there.  Hadn’t used it in so long, wasn’t sure KE had thrown it away.  Thought you’d wanna have a go, with me.”

Jack picked up the wooden toboggan, holding it in his hands like it was the most wonderful present he’d ever seen.  “I do, Ennis. I surely do.”

"I know it ain’t Maine, like I promised, but there’s snow, and we’re together, so….”

“That’s enough for me.”  Jack handed the sledge to Ennis, his blue eyes bright and clear as the open sky above them. “Let’s go, cowboy.”

Ennis led Jack to the place he had spent so many special childhood moments, and he held tight to a long ago memory of snow and cold and bright sunshine that glistened on the white ground like a blanket of twinkling stars.  That memory was now recalling itself to him, as he revisited the place that had made him happy then, thankful to be sharing it with the special boy he had in his life now.


In the crystal clear stillness of the white, Ennis was daydreaming.

Did Ennis know, in his life before Jack, how it felt to have a kiss bestowed upon him so fine, so tender, so exquisitely soft that it melted the moment it touched his mouth?  He didn't think he did, for only since Jack Twist had entered his world, and turned it on its side, did he think on such things with wonder and giddy delight.   His small world spun fast, and the dizziness he felt was caused by being knocked off his feet when Jack slipped inside his heart without warning, keeping him warm.

He didn’t know how he had endured the absence of Jack’s kisses for so long.  He didn’t know he would miss them so badly until time seemed endless and cruel.  The knowledge that Jack felt the same was the only thing that kept him from climbing the walls with frustration.

Ennis reflected on the way he yearned for Jack's kisses, and treated them like jewels, each one precious and worth a thousand words he could never say.  His mind would muse on the softness of Jack's lips, the wet hunger they expunged when they opened up to his own.  The intensity they both felt, no words needed, just a connection, a warm yet solid bond they shared when the kissing was all they wanted.

“What you thinkin' about down there cowboy?”

Jack’s voice called to him, and Ennis jumped out of his reverie as he opened his eyes and looked at Jack who was standing over him, hands on his hips, wide smile on his face, and a glowing red flush covering his cheeks.  They had tobogganed for hours, it seemed, Ennis enjoying every second, heightened by the pure joy that Jack had got from the shared experience.

“Just gettin' my breath back,” Ennis said, propping himself up on his elbows and cocking his head to one side, looking at Jack intently.

“Oh yeah?  Well, I reckon you’ll need all your breath for that snowball fight you keep threatening me with.”

“Oh is that so, huh?”

"It is.”

Before Jack could react, Ennis shifted quickly and grabbed Jack’s ankles in one swift move, pulling him down on the cold ground, climbing over him, his legs on either side and tugging his arms above Jack's head and pinning them down with his own hands.

“Shit, that was unfair!  Let me up.” Jack struggled to get free but it was clear to Ennis that his heart wasn’t in it.  Jack no more wanted to be released than Ennis wanted to let him. His heart was beating fast, his breathing was heavy, and he could feel his dick harden as it pressed against Jack’s, despite being separated by layers of denim.  He moved slightly, and Jack moved with him, pushing his hips up towards his, thrusting a little.

“Kiss me now,” Jack said.  Ennis leaned down and kissed Jack hard and deep. Jack moaned loudly, and thrust his hips again, and Ennis pushed down.  Ennis remembered how Jack had liked being held down like this. He’d revisited that moment many times in the intervening months since they had last been together, thinking on what else he could do to Jack to make him scream and yell.  He liked to hear Jack moan and talk and tell him things.  He’d had so many nights to think on this, it was difficult to deal with the fact that he actually was kissing Jack again, and not just dreaming it.

“I love you kissing me Ennis,”  Jack moaned in Ennis’s mouth and licked his tongue around Ennis’s lips.  “Can’t believe I’ve had to wait this long for you again.”

“Me neither,”  Ennis breathed.

“I need you. I ain't gonna last.  I’m just gonna come right here if we don’t do nothin' or move or anythin'.”

“I know.  But I can’t move Jack. I need you. I wanna fuck you so bad, but we can do that later.  Can we just come now, right here in the snow?”

“Fuck yeah! Keep saying stuff like that, and I will.  Just rub yourself harder against me Ennis. Yeah..oh yeah, that’s it keep doing that.  Fuck, that’s good.”

Ennis kept pushing and rubbing and Jack thrust his hips hard against his. Their dicks were pushing against each other, and he was glad that the soft snow was cushioning Jack because he couldn’t move now even if he wanted to.  He kissed Jack’s neck, the gorgeous skin exposed and ready for him.  Jack bared his neck, letting him have as much access as he wanted.  He let go of Jack’s hand for one second and grabbed a handful of snow.  He crushed it against Jack’s lips.  Jack looked at Ennis with glazed desire, and smiled as the cold sensation hit his mouth.  Ennis took some of the snow and placed it on his own mouth, and then he kissed Jack again, the snow flakes merging together and kissing their mouths.

“Fuck, that’s awesome, Ennis.  You just keep doing that.  Yeah, I’m gonna shoot right now….Fuck yeah Ennis!”

“Fuck damn,” Ennis said as he came, the sticky liquid spilling out and a warm feeling spreading through him. He collapsed on Jack, panting, not wanting to let go, because Jack was here, he was really here.

“Happy Christmas, Ennis,”  Jack whispered against Ennis’s neck, causing shivers to tingle down his spine that had nothing to do with the cold ground they lay on.

“Happy Christmas, Jack.”


poppyhoney_67, au!au, bbm, kiss me like snow, middle of nowhere

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