Keep Your Head Down [2]

Apr 05, 2011 15:18

Pairings: YunJaeMin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: boyxboy, mature content.
Summary: Jaejoong wants to be forgiven for leaving HoMin and they know what they want as retribution.
A/N: A continuation of this because of popular request hehe, sorry for the long wait. I don't like that much how it turned out (specially because now it's going to be chaptered ;^;) but it was 3000 words I couldn't throw away. Enjoy!

It had developed into a routine. Jaejoong would be constantly checking his cell phone, teeth nagging at his bottom lip until Yoochun noticed something was wrong with the eldest. When approached about it Jaejoong would become uncomfortable but would laugh it off as nothing so Yoochun left him alone. When the device would alert him of a new text from a one of the two numbers he had already memorized he would excuse himself out of the room only to come back minutes later apologizing and saying he had to leave.

His car sped through the cold road sloshed with melting snow towards a known address. He swallowed on a dry throat and ran a hand through his hair-it was getting harder to get away every time. While Junsu was oblivious, Yoochun had noticed. The man had stopped asking Jae about it but his questioning eyes still burned holes on Jaejoong’s retreating back as he left the practice room.

He saw the apartment building through the windshield. It was a little unsettling how the guard would recognize his car already and let him pass without asking any questions. He parked his car and braced himself on the steering wheel. It always felt like the first time. He wanted to smoke a cigarette to calm his nerves but they did not like it when he smelled like ashtray.

There was no one in the lobby when he walked inside, thank God. He was not in the mood to talk to anybody. The elevator dinged as it arrived from the sixth floor and he entered the metal box, not needing to push the floor button as the doors closed softly behind him and the elevator started ascending.

He tried to fix his hair using his fingers but the mirror on the elevator showed him it was to no use. The bags under his eyes were already bad enough without the haggard expression and the messy hair from running his hand through it one-too-many times. He looked like death, but then again they’ll probably enjoy it.

The elevator stopped and Jaejoong stepped out of it. The door to the apartment was slightly ajar, a clear sign that he was to go in. He closed the door behind him and fumbled with the drawer on the small table by the door. He took out a red dog collar from inside it and clasped it around his neck, noticing that Yunho’s key were the only ones on top of the table.
He dropped to his hands and knees as he had been instructed to do many times and crawled inside in search of the leader.

Jaejoong did not find the other man in the living room or in the kitchen, but he heard some faint humming coming from the bathroom. He made his way there and was grateful to find the door closed-that gave him an excuse to get up from his tired hands. He knocked on the door and waited for the other man to say “come in” before turning the knob and going inside.

Yunho was lying in the tub, bubbles covering most of his body. He stopped humming and made a motion for Jaejoong to get closer. Jaejoong closed the door with his foot and went to Yunho, lowering his head in submission once he reached the other man.

“Good pet, but why are you so dirty?” Yunho frowned as he patted Jaejoong’s sweaty hair. It was true that, in his haste, Jae had left the dance studio without showering first. He lowered his head further in apology but Yunho grabbed his chin, pulling so that Jae was facing him and grinned. “Come here, let’s get you cleaned up.”

Jaejoong started pulling off his tank top, followed by his sweatpants and underwear. His hands went around his neck to take the collar off but Yunho stopped him with a stern look and a click of his tongue. “What’s the rule about that, pet?”

Jaejoong swallowed. He did not know if he was supposed to answer; normally he was not allowed to talk. “I won’t take it off unless I’m leaving or Master allows me,” Jaejoong replied, flinching, but the blow never came.

“Good, now come on in”, Yunho commanded. Jaejoong obeyed and climbed inside the tub, far enough from Yunho that they were not touching. With a growl, Yunho grabbed him by the waist and pulled him flush against his chest.

“Stop acting like you’re being forced to be here,” Yunho whispered in his ear while at the same time grabbing Jaejoong’s erection under the water, making the older man moan. “See? That’s more like it.”

Yunho took a bottle of shampoo and washed Jaejoong’s hair, running his fingers firmly over the other man’s scalp and all the way down to his neck until he purred. Teasing fingers moved down to flick nipples as a loofa was rubbed on his chest. Jaejoong could feel Yunho’s hard-on pressed against his lower back making anticipation contrast with the soothing massage on his body.

“You’re tense,” Yunho commented. It was true, with the world tour just around the corner and his new quest at directing the concerts, not to mention his random escapes to Yunho’s and Changmin’s apartment, his nerves were shot and he was pretty exhausted.

Slim fingers wrapped around his member again at the same time as another hand brushed the curve of his ass. He wiggled, trying to get those fingers on his ass where he wanted them to no avail since Yunho removed his hand while the other one never stop stroking him.

Out of the blue Yunho spoke, while at the same time insert a digit inside Jaejoong’s hole, taking him by surprise. “Have the other two found out about out arrangement?”

Jaejoong gasped but did not answer. He tried to wiggle away from Yunho, his hands wrapping around the hand around his member, trying to pry it off. He was being over-stimulated and he was not allowed to come before he was told to. His actions only earned him a slap on the back of the head before two fingers were shoved back roughly inside him.

“Answer me, Jaejoong.”

“Y-Yoochun suspects,” Jae managed to say before Yunho pulled another moan from him. Yunho added another finger and Jaejoong almost lost it. He was not going to last. “M-master-“

“Don’t you dare come, pet. You’ve been too careless, you don’t deserve to come,” the younger man warned.

The torture seemed to draw on forever; the fingers inside him barely rubbing on that sweet spot while Yunho’s other hand stroked him with a firm but loose hold, pulling him closer and closer to the edge. He almost chewed his lip raw while white-knuckled hands held onto the edges of the tub.

“Please, please, please…” Jae chanted, tears clouding his vision.

Suddenly the fingers were gone and the hand on his cock halted its movements, but then Yunho shifted behind him and something thicker made its way inside his hole. Before he knew it, Yunho rammed all the way inside and Jaejoong saw stars explode behind his eyelids just as the heat in his belly coiled and exploded. Yunho’s hand milked his release into the soapy water but the way in which the other man stilled behind him made dread sink in Jae’s stomach like a lead weight.

“You disobeyed me again, pet. You understand what happens when you disobey me right?” Yunho asked with a dangerous edge to his voice.

“Yes, Master,” Jaejoong replied. He was still catching his breath but the hand on his cock was still there; the painful stroking combined with the anticipation about his punishment brought him slowly back to hardness.

Yunho slipped from inside him and Jaejoong whined at the loss. The younger man kneeled behind Jaejoong and tugged at his shoulder. “Turn around.”

Jaejoong turned so he was facing Yunho. The younger man caressed his cheek and Jaejoong leaned into the touch, however, seconds after, the hand moved down to his neck and grabbed the dog collar, slowly pulling Jaejoong backwards almost choking him.

“Master?” Jaejoong asked, a look of confusion crossed through his brown eyes. He knew what he was supposed to do, he was just hoping Yunho would not go through with it.

“Shhh…take a deep breath”, Yunho instructed.

Jaejoong did just that and tried to relax. He trusted Yunho.

As soon as his face was completely covered by the soapy water, Yunho plunged into him. He tried his best not to let go of the precious mouthful of air he had taken moments ago, but it was hard with the other man hammering into him at a brutal pace.

His lungs started to burn as he let the last of the air out, but the hands tangled in the collar around his neck were pressed firmly against the bottom of the tub. He tried to pull himself up to no avail. The more he pulled the more he was choked by the thick leather around his neck. His eyes opened against his better judgment and the burn caused by the soapy water made him shut them again immediately.

His hands wrapped around strong arms as Yunho hit his spot again and again. He wanted to push the arms away but his mind was slipping and the only thing he could focus on was the immense panic he felt mixed with the pleasure spreading like fire inside his belly.

One of the hands around his neck move to his neglected cock and stroked him at a fast pace. Just before he slipped into unconsciousness he was roughly pulled upwards, his mouth greedily taking air in at the same time something disconnected inside his brain and he came hard enough to see tiny black and white dots instead of the cream colored tile of the ceiling above. He could feel Yunho still ramming into him while the edges of his vision started to darken and then noting.

When he woke up he was lying on Yunho’s bed. He was sore all over, but a pleasant kind of sore that made him smile. Yunho was curled next to him, softly snoring.

The collar was still around his neck and he felt the uncomfortable itch of chaffed skin under the moist material. For a moment he just laid there, watching Yunho sleep. He almost regretted his decision to joing Junsu and Yoochun in the lawsuit. Almost. He just wished someday the leader and the maknae would forgive him. Because one day it will become too much; feeling so cheap; sleeping his way back into the other two men’s hearts.

Jaejoong took a look at the clock on the nightstand and groaned. He had an interview in a couple of hours. He tried to move away but the arm around his waist tightened, and Yunho stirred next to him.

“Are you leaving?” Yunho asked sleepily.

Jaejoong hummed while nodding. Yunho let him go and he went to look for his clothes when he noticed he was still naked. Finding them neatly folded at the foot of the bed he started getting dressed while Yunho watched him.

“Changmin says to leave him food”, he finally croaked out to which Jaejoong nodded.

When Jaejoong was fully dressed he made to stand up from the bed but Yunho grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him over his own body, kissing him softly on the lips. Jaejoong looked away once they parted and Yunho frowned, fingers threading through Jaejoong’s hair.

“What’s wrong? You can speak”, he said.

Jaejoong hesitated for a moment before answering. “How many more of these encounters until you forgive me?”

“As many as it takes,” was Yunho’s simple answer. Jaejoong got up suddenly and moved towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Yunho asked.

“To prepare Changmin’s food”, Jae replied and closed the door behind him.

Jaejoong put the food to cool on several plastic containers. He made enough food with what he could find in the fridge for three or four days, although knowing Changmin he would finish it in two.

He cleaned the kitchen in haste and took off the apron on his way out of the kitchen. Yunho had not left the room after Jaejoong left, not that he was expecting him to. He went to check on the leader-to tell him he was leaving-but when he opened the door he found the tall man snoring softly.

Soundlessly, Jae tip-toed towards the door and stopped in front of the small table at the entrance. With nimble fingers he reached for the clasp of the almost-dry-now collar and took it off hissing when the cool air hit his abused skin.
Not daring to touch it he reached for the doorknob. The apartment door closed behind him with a click and the elevator arrived to take him downstairs.

Yoochun paced back and forth inside Jaejoong’s apartment. The man had left halfway through dance practice mumbling some sort of excuse and he had not returned ever since. He called the staff in charge of the concerts but they had not seen him either.

It was strange how Jaejoong would randomly disappear every other day. When he returned he would look worn and oddly satisfied but jumpy and nervous. Sometimes Yoochun saw out of the corner of his eye bruises marring the eldest’s arms until the other caught him and tugged at his sleeves to hide them.

Even Junsu was starting to notice Jaejoong’s erratic behavior and the young man was usually clueless as to what was going around him. When he approached Yoochun about it he suggested drugs, but Yoochun thought that was not the case. He hoped that was not the case.

He took one last drag of the cigarette nested between his fingers only to crush it on the ashtray seconds later. Jaejoong was not picking his phone and he was starting to get worried. He said he would give the man half an hour more but he could not wait anymore.

However, just as he was grabbing his coat from the back of Jaejoong’s black couch he heard the lock on the door turn and the door opened.

Into the apartment walked the man he had been waiting for all this time, and Yoochun did not know if he should hug him or punch the living lights out of him. He walked towards Jaejoong and settled a hand on the other man’s shoulder, making the other jump and turn to look at him with those big surprised eyes of his.

“Where were you?” he asked, voice laced with concern. Jaejoong’s eyes shifted from side to side, looking for a way to escape. Yoochun frowned. Since when did Jaejoong felt like he needed to run away from him?

“Hey, Yoochun.”

Yoochun inspected the man. He was still wearing his sweats and tank top from practice but he looked like he had showered or at least cleaned up somehow. What worried him the most, however, was the stripe of red skin around Jaejoong’s neck. It looked like it had been rubbed raw with something.

“Shit, Jae, what happened to you?” he exclaimed and touched the wound, making Jaejoong wince and move away.

“It’s noth-“

“Don’t you dare tell me it’s nothing!!” Yoochun exploded. “And don’t you dare tell me another lie about where you have been every time you disappear!”

Jaejoong dropped to the floor and hugged his knees while Yoochun stood panting at his outburst. There was a moment of silence in which neither spoke but then Yoochun heard some faint sobs coming from Jae’s crumpled form on the floor.

“Jae… Jae, talk to me”, Yoochun pleaded, wrapping his arms around Jaejoong.

“I don’t want them to hate me,” the eldest managed to say between sobs.

Yoochun cradled Jaejoong between his arms, one of his hands rubbing soothing circles on the other man’s back while the other treaded fingers through soft locks.

“Who could ever hate you?” Yoochun said, kissing the top of Jaejoong’s head.

“Yunho and Changmin,” mumbled Jaejoong as he started to hiccup from the force of his sobs.

Yoochun’s eyes widened like platters. So that’s where Jaejoong had been all this time; with their ex-members. “They did this to you?”

For a moment Jaejoong did not answer and it almost drove Yoochun mad. That was all the confirmation he needed but then Jaejoong spoke.

“It was my choice.”

Yoochun growled, holding Jaejoong closer. “I’m going to give them a piece of my mind as soon as I see them.”

Yoochun started to get up but Jaejoong held onto his sleeve, preventing him from leaving. He looked up to Yoochun with pleading eyes. “Don’t, it was I that wanted to be forgiven.”

Yoochun yanked his arm away from Jaejoong’s hold, and stared unbelieving at the man curled on the floor before him.

“There is nothing to forgive Jaejoong! They chose their path and we chose ours and that’s that. That is no reason to treat you like they have. Don’t think I haven’t seen the bruises and you’ll be lucky if that doesn’t scar!”
“I don’t care!” Jaejoong shouted back. Yoochun was taken aback by Jae’s outburst and he had to take a step back to stabilize himself. “I’ll take what I can get from them and it’s none of your damn business.”

Yoochun slowly lowered himself to the floor, sitting in front of Jaejoong. Neither moved and neither spoke, both taking it all in. Yoochun always knew of Jaejoong’s need to feel loved but he never knew how deep it ran inside the older man.

“You’re messed up, Jaejoong,” he said but Jaejoong didn’t even look up. His crying had subsided and his shoulders merely shook with stubborn hiccups and a left-over sob or two.

Yoochun sighed and stood up, nudging Jaejoong and offering his hand once the other man looked up.

“Let’s get you patched up.”


title: keep your head down, fanfiction, chaptered, yunjaemin

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