Greetings from Suzhou!!

Jul 09, 2010 08:11

I am in China guys!!

Omg, I have a huge headache ... stupid jet lag, here we go....

I have no idea how long my flight took and I think I dont want to know. We left from Puebla at 4 30 (I have no control over this keyboard FML) and got to Mexico city at around six or something like that. Then we flew to Tijuana and from them to Shanghai. The plane ride was terrible, the fail tetris was killing me (there were some little screens on the back of the seats so you could play ...or watch a movie, ....or torture yourself with a map of how the plane was moving) and the food was not so good. My cousin and I asked for chicken and got some weird fish that tasted horrible instead. We slept and slept and slept and then we arrived.

The climate is kind of hot and really humid here.

I had to stop writing this earlier because we were going to eat breakfast. I come with new stuff right now LOL. Today we went to a place that I have no idea what it is called but it has canals and very traditional buildings with lots and lots of stores. I bought two pairs of shoes that are really really cute and some bracelets. Then we ate some weird soup and some pork among other things (all of which were delicious) and then we went to a buddhist temple. Then it was time to leave but it started raining! We had to seek shelter and wait for my aunt's driver but he was nowhere to be seen and his phone was unreachable. Finally we found him and went home and here I am.

Yes, the bathrooms on the floor are as terrible as them make them out to be *sobs*. I swear human pee smells as bad as animal pee. Ew.

By the way, my aunt has KBS World in her apartment A.W.E.S.O.M.E I just saw SuJu and C.N Blue and Son Dam Bi and Miss A and many many other artists *happy*.

I know this entry sounds really scattered and simple but that's how my mind feels right now. I'm exhausted and we didn't do that much. I'm still jetlagged as you can see guh. Until next time guys!

(There are no pictures this time...I'll post some when either I figure how and if I can insert my camera's memory card in my aunt's laptop or when I get home, sorry)

P.S. I hate German keyboards.

random: china

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