Haunted [Chapter 4]

Jun 29, 2010 13:15

Rating: PG13
Warnings: Horror themes.
Summary: The Dong Bang apartment has become too crowded. When more living space is needed, the boys will ask the company for new living quarters. When they arrive at the destination they are met with their dream house, however, will that dream turn into a nightmare once obscure things start happening in that ( Read more... )

fanfiction, title: haunted, chaptered, dbsk

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kamo_comon June 30 2010, 03:38:53 UTC
*insert evil Min laugh*

YooSu. I scroll down and I see YooSu. 8D I'll be back to comment later. Have some business to attend. Boo. But I love ya and I miss you~ ♥


poppy_sky June 30 2010, 04:20:57 UTC
I love your multimedia comments~♥

It's friendship YooSu okay? >-< don't get your hopes up!


kamo_comon July 5 2010, 22:16:00 UTC
Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! Friendship!YooSu?! Not enough! No, no, no~ lol j/k I love you for adding in some kind of YooSu (even if is friendship only).

I should have been more scared, but stupid Justin Bieber song was playing and I was like "baby, baby ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh." (=____=);;;

You know what's so funny? I was eating sausages and eggs when I read, "bacon and eggs." :D It's afternoon, but who cares?

Interesting chapter so far, though! I just want to cuddle with Su and tell him everything will be okay. ;3; Poor duckbutt. Plus, he's sick, too irl. ;o;

CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have FUN, bb!!! ;o; I'll miss you if you don't write!


poppy_sky July 6 2010, 02:16:58 UTC
Like I've been saying, maybe, maybe there will be 1. more pairings and 2. REAL pairing stuff. But it's a maybe, kay? ;D

LOL why? You're forbidden from listening to Justin Bieber while reading my fics, he kills my mood >:O

Hahaha really? I'm kind of sick of egg because I ate it a lot when I was dieting XD

I knooow, poor bb ;_; I want to send him flowers but by the time they reach LA they'll be all wilted and stuff *sniff*, I can only send him my good wishes u_ú

Of course I'll have fun D: hahaha I'll bring pictureees~
I'll miss you too bb ;_; I'll try to check LJ as often as possible.


kamo_comon July 6 2010, 02:22:22 UTC
hahaha; crossing my fingers for YooSu now. ;D

Yes. I'll try not to listen to Justin Bieber while reading your fics. lol

Eating eggs while dieting? (o___O);;; Were they raw eggs?

Wilted flowers... (>__>)

PICTURES!!! \(*0*)/


kamo_comon July 6 2010, 02:23:13 UTC
PICTURES!!! \(*0*)/


kamo_comon July 6 2010, 02:24:28 UTC
PICTURES!!! \(*0*)/
yes. i purposely put pictures!!! 3 times


poppy_sky July 6 2010, 02:43:48 UTC
I figured as much o_o

*starts getting camera ready*


kamo_comon July 11 2010, 23:11:02 UTC
PICTURES!!! \(*0*)/


poppy_sky July 12 2010, 01:29:15 UTC
Guess what? My camera is fail so I'm buying a new one. DON'T FRET. My uncle is lending us his camera so I'm covered. Expect lots of pics!!


poppy_sky July 6 2010, 02:42:24 UTC
You do that hahaha.

Nah, but we cooked them with little oil and all that. It was allowed in the diet xD

What about wilted flowers?
Today we had Tanabata celebration at my Japanese school and I wanted to wish for Junsu's health but I thought that would be too fangirl-crazy (although my female senseis(lol, what a blasphemy of the word) would be amused XD)



kamo_comon July 11 2010, 23:18:57 UTC
PICTURES!!! \(*0*)/

I can't believe you guys can eat eggs as part of your diet. ;o; My teacher told me that eating more than three eggs a week is considered unhealthy.

Wilted flowers are sad flowers. :D (yes. it's a smiley face. :D)

lol; either way, your thoughts came through. ^^ I hear that Junsu's up and good again. I mean, he probably is still week, but he's out of of the hospital. :) I want to wish for Jaejoong's happiness. I think he misses TVXQ together the most. ;o;

Jaejoong... *forlorn voice* (T________T)

PICTURES!!! \(*0*)/


kamo_comon July 11 2010, 23:20:02 UTC
I can't I spelled "weak" as "week." Spelling failure! D8


poppy_sky July 12 2010, 01:32:21 UTC
It IS unhealthy hahaha. But we ignored that and ate them whenever we wanted. After a while we didn't want to eat them at all so I guess it back-fired kekeke.

Good thing for Junsu, but I'm so sad about Jae, he's got a mellow aura around him lately...



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