(no subject)

Sep 21, 2005 22:51

LJ Interests meme results

  1. battleska:
    good old cambridge band
  2. clor:
    my fiances band,everyone knows about Clor!
  3. earl grey:
    yummy tea, lady grey is also good
  4. glitter:
    i really think glittery eyes are wonderful, yet i never seem to get it, and i LOVE glittery shoes, ballet ones.
  5. horlicks:
    good beverage before bed, helps you sleep.
  6. marvin gaye:
    Sexual Healing.
  7. old bad films:
    max and i have a liking for shit films, we have a killer creature collection with old eighties titles such as "boggy creek"
  8. sadies doll:
    alas another band i like.
  9. strawberries:
    Love strabwerries a lot, and strawberry ribena is wayyy tastier than blackcurrent
  10. tron:
    an AMAZING GOOD eighties film.
    where abloke goes inside a computer.

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