wedding wedding wedding. This picture is taken from an engagement party we had in the garden and my cousin baked this carrot cake with Poppy loves max.
Yesterday was weird, i cried all day because of my shitty dad, i could go on a massive rant about it but its just not worth it. Basically he has ruined our lives (which are way better now anyway, and i'm glad he did cos we are so way who we want to be) but he still shouldn't of done just about everything a violent, womanising, selfish father does. spent most of my life with him living down the road in his fancy hosue with all his designer clothes and my mum and i struggling away down the other end. never paid a penny. So basically he lives this life where he has us ) who have lived without his help since we were tiny. But likes to think he is great and doesn loads. he is paying for some of the wedding. he has just sold a house for his "retirement money" but doersn't want to spend anything on anyone else but himself. every time i have an idea i tell him, and hes like mmmmmmmmmm, well thats hard, why don't we do that instead. not, wow thats great poppy, lets try and do that (and believe me i am not actually asking that muc) basically a marquee in the garden...anyway there is loads of things about the way he behaves that are hurtful and he has been saying to me that he doesn't believe in marraige etc. I don't think this man knows me at all. he should of spent some time when i was growing up getting to. he thinks (i think) that i don't know what i am doing, and if he knew me and udnerstood me and max he would know exactly that we knew what we were doing,
I hate it cos i don't require anything from him usually so i am all cool and Alister and Mum and max, and his parents are all i could ever want. but he feels its his "duty" to pay for a lot of the wedding, now he is involved.
I cried for ages after a horrible phone call to him and max got very upset and was going to ring him up and say a few home truths. But he rang me back before he could get through and so i ended up admitting to my dad how i felt.
didn;t really make much difference
got an email from his girlfriend who would much rather prefer it if i didn't exist saying that they are happy and behind us.
Max came home with abig piece of chocolate cake. that sorted me out.
so i rambled.