Nov 04, 2005 19:27
Doomsday came during recess in the most innocent of places.
In addition to irreversible brain damage, the girl had dirt on her forehead.
Ash Wednesday with a bloody brick in the playground.
Mother found this experience quite painful,
Hate the sin, not the sinner;
Nobody’s hands are clean when they play a role.
Violence regardless of mutual consent
Forgiveness is shallow fascist genocide
History is a litany of failures in consequential thinking:
Stepping into the deep waters of politicalparties and gods.
I don't care to choose who will manipulate me.
Do you?
Myspace wants you to buy their cd, go buy it!
Feel needed, feel famous, feel something unachievable.
lol, you're just what they want with your thousands of "friends".
lol all the way to the bank.