New Game

Jul 05, 2005 10:41

We played a new game yesterday--Ex Libris. It's like Balderdash, but with first and last lines of books. Now, I'm very quick at Balderdash, and the BS "definitions" come to me in an instant. With this game, however, I have found that I need to think more--about when it was written, what voice it is in, who the author is, etc. I think the problem may well be "too much information": in Balderdash, you are only given a word; in Ex Libris, you are given the title, author, and a summary of the plot. I almost think it would be better if they skipped the plot summary--too much to think about. I found myself getting in actual "writing mode," and that took way too much time (and caused way too much frustration).

Perhaps it is a game best played drunk.
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