Should anyone need me, I'm probably not going to be within the apartments much. It's too quiet and there's this chill outside that stays longer and longer with each passing day. I feel I should enjoy the outdoors before the seasons, ahm, change completely.
If anyone wants anything grown, now is the time to ask.
And Kragok, we spoke a while ago about sparring. Are you still interested?
[Screened // Hackable]
I've spoken with the man named Acheron Hades and have decided to give him a second chance. I ask that all of you do the same, on my behalf.
He has apologized, I have apologized. It is over.
[/Screened // Hackable]
[Left in front of Kaylee's door are three items -- one box of strawberries the goddess has grown herself, a potted pink chrysanthemum, its container painted with stars, and... a lopsided chocolate cake with strawberries chopped up on top. It looks unappetizing, as if someone threw it together without knowing what they were doing (and she didn't!), but it won't taste all that bad, thankfully. Appearances are deceiving! Pinned to the top of the box of strawberries is a note, one decorated with images of flowers; inside it reads in Greek, with an English translation underneath:]
"To my best friend Kaylee. May this birthday and all the ones to come be happy ones!
- Persephone"
[The goddess has knocked on the door then fled, wanting it to be at least a little bit of a surprise.]