Title: Catch Me
Pairing: Banghim
Genre: AU, fluff
Rating: G for some language
Summary: Himchan is an asocial boy who hates everyone and everything and only find happiness when he plays his favorite instrument, the janggu. He still feels like something is missing to his life though. Who could have guessed that playing his instrument would bring him what he has always needed?
Warning: OOC/Cheesy Yongguk.
A/N: Yes, it's me again! As promised, here is my latest Banghim one-shot. It took me days to write it. I hope you'll enjoy it. And leave comments,please. On a side note, is B.A.P trying to kill us or something? I mean, come on, a new comeback already? And the teasers pics. /dead
Catch me
I am suffocating. I can't breathe. I hate this city, I hate everyone. I hate myself, too. I don't know why I am still alive. I should just go die somew-
Throwing his pencil somewhere in the grass, a dark haired boy slammed his diary shut and stood up, a scowl on his pretty face. He came to rest and to empty his mind, but there was too much people in the park. Too much families, too much couples, too much love and happiness. He only wanted to sulk peacefully, but apparently, coming to the park wasn't a so good idea.
He rolled his eyes and put the diary in his bag, not searching for the pencil he threw away, and left the park. He didn't want to go back home early, he would be scolded by his father for skipping school once again, and his mother wouldn't say a word because she never says a word. He couldn't even relieve his stress by playing his favorite instrument, the janggu, because his father couldn't stand the sound of it. Joy.
Actually, if it wasn't for the music, Himchan knew that he would probably be already dead. He has always felt that music will bring him something important in his life but he has yet to discover what it is. Of course playing a few numbers of instruments has giving him something to work for, but somehow, it wasn't that.
(Or maybe he was just too delusional and stupid, just like people around him liked to tell him.)
As he reached the main street, Himchan looked around and noticed that he wasn't far from a traditional Korean village. He sighed, he'd love to go there but that would mean being among more people, especially tourists. But then, there was always that little something magical about going into this traditional village, it was appeasing him. Every single time Himchan would step into this village, once a week, his worries would momentarily disappear as his fingers grazed the old rocks and the woods of the houses, imagining himself going back in the past, where everything seemed much more easier.
Spotting the main door made of green, red, blue, and yellow, Himchan took his earphones out and let a small smile graze his lips. He slowly entered the village, and surprisingly, there wasn't too much people yet. Maybe because they all went to the damn park, he thought.
His eyes caught sight of the small lake where he could sit for hours, almost until the village close and unconsciously, Himchan smiled a bit wider. He loved that place. Especially, the bench under the trees, where he could hear the water fall and where nothing could interrupt him. Nothing.
He'll go there at the end of the visit, he thought, as he made his way to the first house that had been renovated. It was too bad he couldn't go inside the traditional house, but then, he wouldn't want to add something ugly to the beautiful picture.
As usual, he sat down on the wood as he looked inside what seemed to be a room of a student, and let his fingers rest against the brown material. Himchan closed his eyes and took a breathe, his imagination wandering somewhere in the past, where he would be a peasant that is saved by a prince and then it would be love at first sight and-
Himchan snapped his eyes open when he heard loud voices coming his way. Tourists, he grumbled, standing up and walking out of the house. It's not that he hated them, well, a bit, but who wasn't he hating on anyway? Himchan has always felt out of place, wherever he went. He tried making friends, going out, just being normal, but it wasn't just working. It wasn't him. He was just different, call him asocial, a loner or an alien, Himchan didn't care anyway and totally assumed that fact.
The young man always avoided the second house because it was so pretty and romantic, and couples were surrounding the place. He was more interested into the third house, where there was a large opened room full of janggu and other traditional instruments that were making Himchan's eyes sparkle. The old master that was teaching tourists how to play Janggu was always welcoming the dark haired boy to play with him. Silently, their gazes would meet and Himchan would take his shoes off and then he would sit down in front of the master with a random janggu touched by hundreds of people before him. His fingers would brush the soft instrument and Himchan always let the old man start first, then he would follow. It was their weekly routine, and he wouldn't change a thing. Whenever the day Himchan would come, the master would be waiting for him and serenely accept him into the house.
Today wasn't an exception as Himchan rolled his eyes at a young boy's attempt to follow the old man's instructions about how to add the right strength in your arms to make a sound not too loud yet not too weak. The sight of the proud parents on the side applauding their son made Himchan want to throw up. Not that he was jealous or anything.
He waited five minutes for the parents and their stupid son to go away, then he slowly took his shoes off and bowed to the old man who nodded back. He sat down and made a face when he grabbed the sticks full of sweat, the master chuckling quietly at Himchan's behavior. Himchan couldn't take his eyes off the janggu though, and when the first sounds resonated around him, a rare happiness bubbled up in his chest.
He closed his eyes, and after a few seconds, he started to play, immersing himself fully into the play.
Himchan didn't notice how the master stopped playing and smiled at him.
Himchan didn't notice the small crowd that has formed in the yard of the house, looking at him and only him.
Himchan didn't notice a pair of dark eyes watching him intently, belonging to a young man who, unlike Himchan was brought here forcefully by his loving parents and twin brother.
When Himchan opened his eyes after ten minutes of playing, the crowd cheered for him. Startled, he stood up quickly and bowed to the old man, put his shoes on and almost ran out of the yard, avoiding the praises and the touches and just, avoiding people.
It's almost out of breathe that he reached the lake and his favorite bench. He didn't expect people to applause him and all.
As he sat down, Himchan looked at the scenery and felt himself calm down. There was nobody around the lake but him, a slight breeze was playing in his hair , and the sound of the water flowing was appeasing. The young man let out a content sigh and closed his eyes for a few minutes. There would be nothing that could disturb him no-
"Uhm...Hey?" Himchan kept his eyes closed, hoping that the deep-voice stranger would go away soon. "Hey, I'm talking to you, it's rude to not reply."
"And it's rude to annoy people who want to rest and be alone." Himchan snapped, opening his eyes and sending a glare to the stranger.
The boy chuckled, and Himchan felt himself a little mesmerized by him. He was about to retort something so he could be alone again but someone called the boy who turned around and waved at his family- there was a second him, he noted.
Himchan looked at him and quickly saw that he was around his age and a bit taller, his hair were bright red and his eyes a deep and warm brown, he had nice plump lips and a thick neck, the rest of his body was hidden behind a large, black sweater and an equally large pair of pants.
Quite honestly, Himchan knew that he was somehow good-looking, according to the whispers in the hallways of his high-school, but this guy had something wild and sexy yet charming and somehow shy- and why the hell was he actually thinking that? It's not like he was actually interested in him, right? Right.
As he was about to put his earphones back in his ears, his previous peaceful mood forgotten, the red hair teenager sat down by his side and flashed Himchan a big gummy smile. A smile like Himchan has never seen before: it was all about gums and teeth and just a clear happiness.
"...What?" He muttered, looking away. Why was it suddenly hot? The sky was full of clouds earlier.
"Hey, I'm Bang Yongguk. I think- No, I'm sure that I'm in love with you."
Himchan has met weird people in his life. For example, Moon Jongup, his only friend, a kid that was always smiling even when he was angry. But that, a confession from a stranger, it never happened to him before. He should have gone to his classes, he thought, because it would have always been way better than this. Himchan choose to not reply the weird boy.
He also had enough for today, so he stood up quickly to go away. Too quickly, because he felt himself stumbling and oh god he was going to fall into the lake and then all the attention would be on him and-
"Careful there. We wouldn't want such a pretty boy like you to be all wet." Himchan snapped his eyes opened - when did he closed them?! - and found himself in the embrace of the said Bang Yongguk and fuck, it was way too cliché. "Not that I'd mind if you get wet with me." He grinned wider and Himchan wanted to punch his stupid face out but he couldn't because that was probably the worst way to flirt and all he wanted to do at the moment was laugh.
So he did.
He started laughing, loudly and genuinely, tears forming in the corner of his fox-like eyes. His tummy was aching and he couldn't remember the last time he laughed like that.
When he calmed down and opened his eyes, Yongguk had an amused glint in his eyes and his smile wasn't wide like earlier but it was a loving smile and Himchan couldn't help but actually smile back.
They sat down a few seconds after looking into each other's eyes, and they were a bit closer, thighs touching and shoulders brushing, and for once, Himchan didn't mind. It was crazy, it was not making any sense, but he was okay with it.
He was okay with it because for once, something was happening in his life. How and why, he didn't know but it didn't really matter for him now.
"So, Bang Yongguk, that was quite the worst flirty line I've ever heard in my whole life." Himchan chuckled, and something was wrong with the air today because he actually felt happy and it was not because of the music. He was blaming these stupid butterflies in his stomach. It was surely because of them that he smiled wider when Yongguk looked right into his eyes.
"But you laughed. I made you laugh. You're so much prettier when you laugh and when you smile. But you know what? It was when you played janggu that you looked the best. That's when I fell for you. "
"You're crazy." Himchan laughed, heart fluttering at the sweet words.
"Crazy for you." Yongguk grinned again, and Himchan just couldn't stop laughing, and damn, he couldn't remember a day where he had felt this happy before. He was even blushing. It had to be a dream, or something. Things like that always happened in his dreams.
"That's chee-" And just like in his dreams, the stranger leaned in to capture his lips in a soft kiss to shut him up. The only difference now was that Himchan didn't wake up and that the lips felt very real against his own. He blinked a couple of times and finally closed his eyes and, because it was his first kiss and that he was inexperienced, he shyly pressed his lips against Yongguk's who smiled and pulled away, much to Himchan's displeasure. Yes, Himchan wanted more.
"I hope you're aware that you're mine now." Yongguk grinned again, lacing his fingers with Himchan's, who was left speechless and dumbly nodded at the other boy.
Himchan wasn't a peasant that had been saved by a prince, but he has surely been saved by Yongguk on this day and, as he was laying in the comfortable embrace of his lover, he felt a bit sorry and thankful towards the people he has hated that day.
He was still awkward around people, and still loved his bubble and being in his world, he was also still asocial, but Yongguk was also part of his world now and had managed to be his bubble. He was even understanding Himchan. Himself liked the quietness of a room rather than the noisy streets.
(Even if he loved to perform on stage, in his underground club. Himchan shivered at the memory, it has been a terrible experience for him: people everywhere. Everywhere. But when Yongguk went on stage...He shivered again, but not for the same reason.)
They weren't perfect for each other: Himchan was awkward and sometimes he would not talk for a whole day, Yongguk was cheesy and his jokes were bad. Himchan didn't have big expectations for his life while Yongguk had big dreams of conquering the world with his music. They were quite the opposites, but somehow, it fit, Himchan just knew it.
Yongguk would be here to hold Himchan and make him see the world in a more optimistic way, and Himchan would be here to support Yongguk to reach his dreams.
He has been right, Himchan thought as he leans in to peck his lover's lip as a good morning greeting, the music did bring him something, in the person of Yongguk.
A reason to live.