Well I feel like writing to day, so dit down and get comfortable, or go to another page.
I suppose I have told you guys nothing about Ithaca, my new life, and whats going on up here. Skiing may become my new passion, I just love to go, no matter how cold. Sure I have only done it three times, but still. And I am preatty good. Not Oimpic or anything, but I did go on Black Diamond my second time skiing. Plus the guys I go with are preatty cool, they have taught me a lot. Segwaying (is that how you spell it?) into winter, its been preaty light. Altogether, we probably haven't had more than 6 inches total. Never more than 3 or 4 at a time. The past few days have gotten to under 0 though with wind chill. I want more snow danmit! But I digress. My school was really hard to get toghether in. I had been with CCAT since its birth, formal public school just isn't the same. Without soccer I don't know where I would be. In pre-season I met 4 other 8th graders, one has become one of my best friends. Joey, Zach, Eric (Roosizzle, is his nickname, [also AIM, look him up and tell him you know me]) and Devin have helped me get adjusted from the begining. Some more than others, but altoghether they got me off my feet. Through soccer I met Cassy too, but he goes to another school. WE go to each others houses a lot though, so we get to see each other a lot. Through Joey and Zach I met Luke. Luke is quite frankly a sexist, psuedo-racist asian. As terrible as that sounds, he doesn't mean any of it. He and i are really good friends. So there is the social life stuff, but I garentee I know some of you next questions... Most of my teachers are pretty cool. Earlier today I had a 5 minute burn war with one. And my English teacher is one of the best I have ever had. Ithaca is really beautiful place to live as well, just look up some places like:
- Lake Cayuga
- Tagahanick Falls
- Ithaca Falls
- Ithaca Colleage/Cornell University
- Ithaca, The Commons
Just try those in google. So it really is a nice place. I see you guys in pictures and you say its cold. Tsk tsk... Georgia is nice this time of year. I might, MIGHT be able to get into Model U.N, the teacher is really nice, so I have a good chance with past expieriance. I wanted to compare Ithaca (Lansing to be specific) to Statesboro, but I really can't. I mean, as a place, Ithaca trumps in all catagories. But comparing the people is unfair, unjust, impossible, and stupid to boot. If you guys visit you'll get the point. I could be completly wrong, maybe Statesboro is better. You guys did get into
national news! There are of course things I miss. But I get along. If anyone sees Tyler that, and this is the gods honest truth, I still have yet to visit a better bakery, and there are like five up here.
Good Night, And Good Luck