quiz e.g., character profile etc

Nov 06, 2009 17:26

For reference. Answers are IC from here on out.

What’s your full name, including embarrassing middle names? Ὕπνος

What do you think of it? It is my name. What sould I think about it?
What do you wish your name was? I like my name.
Got any nicknames? No. I will smite you if you give me nicknames.
No seriously, even if they’re hurtful or embarrassing, got any? Get out.

How old are you? I do not know. Older than time. How old is that?
Ever lied about it? No.
How old do you look to others? Around twenty.
Wish you were older or younger, or are you happy? I do not have any reason to wish I am some other age.

Are you human? No.
If yes, is that optional? NO.
If no, what race are you? I am a Greek god.
What do people normally think of your race? We are not whores, Set. We just believe in freedom of expression.
Are they correct? Might be, according to their perception.

What’s your hometown called? Tartarus.
Do you still live there? No.
Do you/did you like it or hate it? I love my home.
What’s it’s best feature/place? It is very quiet and conducive to sleeping.
What’s it’s worst feature/place? Sometimes I wake up with demons and messengers scattered around my room, either sleeping or amnesiac. It is quite annoying.
Where do you live now? The dormitories at the Velvet Mall.
If it’s not the same place, Is it better or worse? Worse. Well, maybe not. Perhaps if I could take certain people home...
How many different places have you lived? One.

How many different countries have you visited? I have lost count.
What’s your favourite country? Greece.
Tell me your best holiday/travelling experience? I do not like travelling.
Tell me your worst? That one time when I went to help Zeus and incurred the wrath of Hera.

Be honest, are you prejudiced to one race of people or people from one country? I do not like humans.
If so, why? Do you want me to start a litany?
Which countries people have been the most welcoming to you? They are all the same.

Have you ever ran away from home? Yes.
Did you live with your parents when you were little? Yes.
If not, who? Please see previous answer.
Ever been homeless? No.

What’s your starsign/birthsign? I do not have one.
Zodiac? None.
Do you even know what that is? Yes.
What day were you born on? I was born before time was reckoned by days.
What does your culture say about people born on that day? :|
Remember any nursery rhymes you were sung? ...
Any fables you were told as a small child? None existed when I was a small child.
Would you tell them to any kids you have? If I had them.

Are you a boy or a girl? Boy.
Are you happy about that? Yes.
Does it effect you daily, bad or good? No.
Are you feminine in any way? No...
Masculine in any way? Yes.
What do you think of the other gender? I like them.

What’s your sexual orientation? Pansexual.
Sure about that? Yes.
Who was your first crush? He knows who he is.
Did anything happen with them? ...yes.
What was your first date like, or haven’t you had it? I cannot remember. It was a nymph, though. She was really quite beautiful.

And then Pan turned her into reeds.

Who was it with, if you did? See previous answer.
Still know that person? Yes.
How many people have you officially dated? I do not keep track.
Are you married? Yes. Maybe. Pasithea was not clear on the details.
If so, are you happily married? I have no idea.
Are you divorced? No.
Ever stood anybody up? No.
Ever been abusive to someone you’re meant to love? Maybe.
Ever been abused by someone you’re meant to love? No.
Ever even been in love? Yes.
Are you in love right now? Yes.

What colour is your hair? Blue.
Did you dye it or is it natural? Natural.
And your eyes? Grey.
Do you wear glasses, contacts or neither? Neither.
What’s your best feature? I shall let you be the judge of that.
Worst? See above answer.
What body type are you? Slim.
How tall are you? 5 feet six inches.
How much do you weigh? I do not know.
Got freckles? No.
Ever blush? No.
Most embarrassing habit? What the hell are these questions for, anyway?
A habit you quite enjoy? Sleeping.
Do you worry about how you look? No.

Do you spent a lot of money on looking good? This concept of money is all so new to me.
Do you spend any? No.
What clothes do you like to wear? Togas.
Do you clothes suit your gender/status/job? Yes?

What’s your favourite colour? Black.
What does it make you think of? My brother.
What colour do you hate? Yellow.
Why? The sun is yellow.
What does yellow make you think of? THE SUN.
Red? Poppies.
Green? Garden.
Blue? Water.
Black? Night.
White? Wings.

Do you work out/train? No.
Do you enjoy any form of sports, training or exercise? No.
Is there a certain place, like a gym, where you do it? No.
Who’s your instructor? None.
Do you like them? I do not have an instructor.

Ever been called names for how you look? No-one would dare.
What about how you act? As I said, no-one would dare.

Who’s your best friend? Thanatos.
Did you have trouble deciding on one person? No.
How long have you known them? All my life.
Would you, honestly, die for them? Yes.
Name three other good friends? Miwako, Yue, Akira.
Do all these people like each other? I have no idea.
Does your best friend like the person you're dating, if you're dating anyone? I do not know...
Pick one, best friend or lover? I cannot answer that question right now.

Who’s your rival? Orpheus None, I believe.
Who’s your enemy? Set. I still have to pay him back. My aunt as well.
What do you think the difference is? One is deadly. The other is not.

What do your friends think of you? I do not know.
Do you think they’re correct? Correctness is relative.
Do you act different around strangers? Yes, probably.
Around friends? Yes.
Around family? Yes.
What part of your personality would you like to change, if any? My tendency to hurt the people I love the most, probably.
What part are you most proud of? My protectiveness.
Are you two faced? No.
Are you lieing to these questions? I'm lying right now.
What’s the best lie you ever told, if any? I cannot decide.

What’s your father called? I do not have a father.
Your mother? Nyx.
What’s your father’s job? See above.
Do you have a step-mother or step-father? No.
Do you know where both your parents are? Yes. (In my lover's head.)
Any close relatives of yours dead? They cannot die.
How did that make you feel, if they are? I do not know.
Got any siblings, how many? One.
Are they older or younger? Older.
Do you live with them? Yes.
Do you know where they are? Yes.
Brothers or sisters, which is better? Brothers.
Is your family famous? Perhaps notorious would be a better word.
Famous in the area? Yes.
Do you have any family traditions, no matter how silly or important? We used to have tea with Aunt Izanami. It was very tiring.

I liked the dinosaurs, though.
Do you think you ‘fit’ with your family? Yes.
What do you think of them? I love them more than anything.

Do you have children? Apparently, yes.
If so, what are they called? Morpheus, Phobetor, and Phantasus.
What would you want to call your children? See above.
Do you think you’ll ever have them? Yes.
How would you look after/discipline them? Training. And probably a lot of naps.

What’s your house like, if you have one? It is an underground cavern, actually. Anyone who is not related to me would have a hard time staying awake inside it.
Are you happy with it? Yes.
Does it belong to you or someone else? It is mine.
Who paid for it? Why would I pay for it?
How is it decorated? My plants. The River Lethe. Some black silk.
Do you have a garden? Yes.
What’s it like? It's a very calming garden. Poppies are abundant.
Do you prefer outdoors or indoors? Indoors.

Do you have a job? Yes.
What is your job, if you have one? I am the god of sleep.
If not, how do you survive? See above.
Did you want to be this when you were little? I was born into it.
Are you happy in your job? ...yes.
Do you want to do something else? No.
Would you do anything involving no clothes for A LOT of money? I do not have any use for money. I will probably give it to someone else.
Would you do anything involving murder for A LOT of money? See above.
Do you have a boss? Mother Miwako My brother None.
Who are they? I said, none.
What do you think of them? See above.
In charge of anyone? Yes.
How does that make you feel? I hate them.

Do you still go to school/college/somewhere to learn? No.
Do you enjoy it? Not applicable.
What are your hopes for when you finish? See above.
What’s your favourite subject/field? Psychology.
Who’s your favourite teacher? My family.
Worst teacher? ...my family.
Ever cheated on any type of test? How? No.
Are you popular there? That does not apply.
What do you think of the most popular person, if it’s not you? See above.

Ever been accused of something you didn’t do? Stealing the last cookie? Yes.
Ever been to jail innocently? No.
Ever been to jail when guilty? No.
Do you have a lawyer? No.
Ever needed an ally? No.
How would you view someone who tells you they went to jail for murder? It depends on the reason.
Ever been kidnapped or held hostage? No.
If so, how did you feel? Not applicable.
Ever been close to dying? I...do not believe I can die. My mortal body can, though.
What saved you, if so? My loved ones.

What’s your favourite food? Chocolate.
Can you cook it/make it yourself? Yes.
Is it common? Yes.
Are you a vegetarian? No.
Do you have a special diet? No.
An eating disorder? No.
What foods can you not eat? ...coffee?
Would you eat it if your life depended on it? Get out.

What sort of social events do you attend? I am not a sociable person.
Do you have to attend them or do you want to? No.
Would you be happy at the theatre? ...maybe.
A classical concert? Yes.
A rock concert? No.
A rich relative’s banquet? Hades always throws these. I spend the nights with the, er, ladies.
A wedding? Whose is it?
A cheap party in a town hall? No.
A kid's birthday party? Yes.

Do you believe in the paranormal? By definition, I am paranormal.
In magic? Yes.
Do you have a secret power? My powers are not secret.
Are you more of a science person? No.
Ever seen a ghost? Countless times.
If so, what did it look like? Do you expect me to remember all the ghosts who pass into the Underworld?

Do you know what lucid dreaming is? Yes.
Do you have pleasant dreams? Yes.
Do you remember or note down dreams? Yes.
What’s the worst nightmare you ever had? That is a very personal question. Go away.
Ever ran to your parent's bed when you were little because you thought something was in your room? No.

What was your first kiss like? On the lips? I cannot remember.
Have you had it yet? Yes.
Have you lost your virginity? Yes.
Did you enjoy it? Yes.
Was it to the right person? Yes? What do you mean by that?
Was it out of wedlock, or before you were supposed to? Is...there a supposed time to lose your virginity?
Ever got a STD? No.
Ever visited a prostitute? Yes.
Ever had someone crush on you that you didn’t like? Probably.
If so, how did you deal with it? Humans tend to forget these things when they die.
Got a fetish that’s a bit out-of-the-ordinary? Yes?
What sexual thing would you never, ever do? I do not believe there is such a thing.
Which celebrity/famous figure, if any, would you ‘do’? All of them.

Do you know how to read and/or write? Yes.
How many books, if any, have you read? Countless.
What was your favourite? Most recently would be that one with the chap named Karl Marx.
Were any of them crappy? Perhaps.
Do you doodle? No.
Do you play any musical instruments? Yes.
If so, which one(s)? ...harp.
What’s your favourite song? I cannot name one right now.
Are you in a band? No.
Were you ever in a band? No.
Do you enjoy telling stories? Maybe.
Do you base them off real life? Yes.

Do you know how to drive? It seems dangerous. Moros is a reckless driver.
If so, how many times did it take you to pass the test? See above.
If you have? Above.
Can you pilot a plane/other form of transport? I do not use...artificial...means of transportation.

Are you in a military force or group? No.
If so, what rank? None.
What do you think of the military? Foolish little ants.
Are you rebelling against an official power? No.
If so, why? See above answer.
Do you think you have a chance of winning? If I did, I would.
What are your political views? Zeus is the most incompentent god ever. I vote for a - wait, I do not care.
Do they match the current government/power? No. Zeus has fled into hiding a long time ago.

Why are you taking this quiz? Because she made me do it.
What do you think so far, bored yet? Obviously.

meme, no get out, what is this i don't even

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