( Private | Locked 100% )
... I shouldn't have said that. What came over me? I just... I don't know what to do. Ventus and Vanitas were enough to worry about.
I won't let him win. I can't. Not anymore.
I have to be stronger...
( Richard | Locked 50% )
I know we only just met, but... I had a favor to ask you, actually.
( Sanji | Locked 100% )
... I think we need to talk.
( filtered from Vanitas and Saix | Locked 100% )
... my friend Longshot was teaching me archery before he went home. Since he left... I need a new teacher. Would anyone else be willing to teach me?
[ added about half an hour later: ]
Jale, Crona, how are you two settling in? Please tell me you stopped falling in the fountain, Jale.
[ also, not long after she makes this post, she's going to go looking for Axel. she needs her less paranoid canon BFF right now. maybe he can help shed some light on everything that's been going on... ]
(ooc; maybe a few tags tonight but most will come after work tomorrow. o/ will mark for any BBS spoilers, also. edit; okay, yes, bed! spam away you crazy kids.)