[ There is a girl in the village plaza who looks rather out of sorts as she sits on the ground, legs out to her sides, in a random sort of spot. She is kind of blank-faced as she stares at the other passers-by, with only a hint of confusion in her brow to betray how she's feeling
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... He has been thrown in in the middle of an experiment, hasn't he? Because just being a bear isn't enough, of course. See the bear sigh and approach you to sniff at you, Xion. Don't worry he won't even get close to those eggs.]
and sits.
......... it's not ... trying to hurt her? W-Why, it's a huge bear. ;~; Even if he's not making any motions towards her eggs, one arm-wing is laid protectively over them anyway, as if that would, you know, help.
When it becomes clear the bear isn't going to hurt her, she finally pipes up. ]
Um ... can I ... help you?
Do you ... know me? [ With one last glance at her eggs, she stands, and tries to move around his side. Apparently she's trying to get a look at his back. Got any wings? ]
[Unfortunately the voice isn't recognizable, it's just... A bear, talking. And not being very good at vocalizing, in fact her name sounded more like "biom" or something like that. Bears aren't made to talk.]
She frowns thoughtfully to herself, pressing a wingtip over her lips before circling around to face him again-- at least, that's what she starts to do when it tries to speak. ]
Whoa... hey, are you trying to talk to me? It almost sounded like ... no, that can't be right. [ She really does come around to face him now, watching him curiously. The journal lies forgotten on the ground -- for now. ]
[It obviously takes it a lot of effort but at least this time it sounds a little closer to how her name really should sound. It's still loud and in a bear tone but it's probably the best it can do.]
That's my name! You really do know me. But who are you? I know I recognize your wings... [ She places a wingtip on the bear's head, her expression full of sympathy. ] Did the experiment get you? Is that why you're like this?
Keiichi?! [ Xion stands up again and stares at him, shocked, and then sympathy retakes her expression. ] Oh no... and you're stuck like this! The ... d-- droids? Did you say "droids"...? That must mean... you were kidnapped? Oh, Keiichi... [ She steps forward and gives him a brief hug, around the neck, best as she can manage with her bird-arms ... and him being a bear, and all. When she steps back she still looks worried. ] What are we going to do...?
Different... Form... Again...
[If it happens two more times he's calling it an habit of theirs, meeting when one of them is stuck in a difficult situation with their form.]
Xion... Not... Hurt...
[You're not hurt or anything, right, Xion? Just... having those wings as arms.]
I'm okay. [ Physically. ] Just kind of weird right now. But that'll get better. ... would you maybe like some company? [ Even if that company is emotionally fragile and likely to burst into tears or start believing she's an ugly duckling at any moment? ]
It's not so bad if you're not alone... right?
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