(no subject)

Mar 13, 2007 22:19

1. Have you had sex in the last week? attempted to but was thwarted
2. Have you kissed someone in the last Matt
5. What is the last thing that you drank? Water
6. Who is the last person you think about at night? Matt
7. Elvis or James Dean? James Dean, but only if he were 25 right now instead of dead
8. Who is one person you can't stand? there are a couple
9. What grade did you make in Algebra? A- I believe
10. If you could have sex w/ one person right now, who would it be and why? Matt because he's my boyfriend...
12. Do you like someone right now? Let's think about this....YES
13. what are you doin right now? Relaxing before I go to sleep
14. Do you think lesbians are hot? *shrug*
15. Favorite non alcoholic drink? pomegranate juice
18. If you could have one wish, what would it be? to wake up feeling completely refreshed and rested no matter how much sleep i've gotten
20. Do you know what tofu is? yeah
21. Have you ever eaten it? Can't say that I have
22. Do you know what a colonoscopy is? yep
23. Have you ever had one? Ummm...not for another 30 years
24. Do you know who plays at least a small part in every Adam Sandler movie? I know one of them is Rob Scheider
25. Do you want to go back to high school? Good heavens no.  I like the friends I had but that's about it.
26. Who is your arch enemy? Maybe one slight one...but none worth mentioning
27. If you could go back to one time in your life and change it what would it be and why? I dunno
28. This is for guys and girls - Do you or have you ever read Cosmo?  yes
29. Have you ever watched the Britney Spears movie Crossroads? God no
30. Do you listen to Lindsay Lohan? Thankfully no
31. Your favorite color? lilac
32. Paul Walker or Ryan Phillippe? Ryan Phillipe...I like the sensitive brooding types
33. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera? If I had to choose, it would be Christina
34. Smurfs or Carebears? Carebears....though I do like the Smurfs...they are communist
35. Favorite ex? Probably Jordan or Jacob
6. Do you want platinum or gold for your wedding band? White gold
37. Have you ever paid to have your eyebrows waxed? Yes
38. Do you shave your back? No
39. Have you ever watched porn and thought it was funny? Hell yeah!
40. Have you ever flashed someone? Once I think
41. Who is your best friend? I've got a few
42. How many children do you want to have? 2
43. Are you pro-choice or pro-life? pro choice; I don't have the right to tell anyone what to do
44. Republican or Democrat? democrat
45. What religion are you? agnostic Taoist
46. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? At least once
47. Do you think that the tobacco companies should pay for people's medical bills? If you were stupid enough to start smoking now with all the information that is available, you don't deserve it
48. What scares you? dying alone
49. What makes you happy? giving a really good performance, my niece, Matt, a warm bed
50. If you have one person in your bed tonight, who would it be? Most likely Matt, but probably won't happen seeing that he just left
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