(no subject)

Dec 30, 2002 13:36

I had a pretty decent Crimbo even though my brain still didn't allow me to believe it was Christmas, probably something to do with the mild weather!

Thanks to Babs and Poppett I got some fantastic gifts - my fam have never been that great at picking up on they all year round pressie hints so it's a case of if you don't ask you don't know what you'll end up with but I'm never ungrateful for anything.

Time at Jacks was great. My meals were cooked and hot and the cleaning up down afterwards. All I had to do was sit in a comfortable warm place and endure my parents taste in television. To help with this I hadn't looked at any TV guides so I wasn't aware of anything good I may be missing.

Going home to my cold, messy flat and my empty fridge was very depressing and if it hadn't been for the cats I probably would have stayed forever! I'm now getting tempted to move back home when my lease ends in October allowing me to save for migration soon than planned and generally enjoy food and warmth and having money again. The sacrifice of course would be Ollie as I could only take Willow and that would be at a pinch. Ollie's not too amused with me at the moment and would probably welcome a better owner who could lavish attention onto him but we've been through a lot of October's a long way away yet anyway so I'll shut up.

My computer at home decided to die just at the thought of allowing me to run my new LOTR game. Then it relented and allowed me to install 87% before refusing to accept CDs again. I feel a major re-installation coming on - it's been almost 2 years since I got it so I can only hope that it is just that some files have been corrupted and not some major hardware defect.

Meanwhile Sky has saved me with Tomb Raider available to play on digital. I received a keypad for Chrimbo and therefore can play the game using computer keys as I would on a PC. I've only made it to level four so far and I'm pretty crap but it's worth the 75p it costs to play it. Willow however disagrees and chooses to lay across my arms and jerk my hand into killing myself as often as possible.

Being back at work is really inconvenient - my body really enjoyed getting up late and having two breakfasts before having to get ready or do anything.
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