I heart dollars!

Aug 20, 2008 22:47

So, today I finally got the settlement from my car accident last June...

$6991.72. Yay, I'm rich! For now!

Now I get to start paying off all the debts that have been accumulating. Not so yay. Of course, it's to be expected when you have hospital bills and no medical insurance, not to mention a credit card with a $2500 limit that is more or less maxed out. (But you know, I just HAD to have that PS3...rather, James made me pick between the 360 and the PS3 when I really wanted a Wii. Boooo.)

Come Friday (My day off and the day they release the hold on the settlement check at the bank), I'm HITTING THE TOWN. That is, if the allergic reaction on my face disappears before then. Right now I'm pretty miserable thanks to this giant rash that came out of nowhere. It buuurrrns.

Oh yeah...I'm getting my own apartment soon. So if anyone ever needs a place to crash in Spokane, hit me up and keep my crazy ass company! :)
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