After six straight hours in the sweltering sun

May 27, 2007 08:58

I started to not feel like myself:

I went to bed with the intention of waking up early and going out to Central Park for another run, but I was so exhausted from all the sunny traipsing yesterday, I was dead to the world for a good hour and a half after my alarm rang. AND I ache from my tippy toes (literally) to just under my boobies.

The Camelback was pretty successful. I was able to run/stagger around the Reservoir at Central Park twice with a change of clothes and a litre of water on my back. It was really bulky though! Rather than looking like A Serious Runner, I looked like A Serious Camper Running From Bears. Lessons learned: don't carry entire trendy outfits, accessories, and hair products unless absolutely necessary, and don't start at 11AM so you're melting into the gravel by the time noon rolls around.

I went to the Brooklyn Botantical Gardens with my friend Janine, and it was a giant maze of amazingness, and we ended up staying till closing. My favourite bit was the Herb Garden, because I am a gay. Janine was overcome with affection when I bent over to sniff at an herb, raised my head and sneezed three times.
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