Jul 06, 2005 08:21
lets start from the begging i went over to matts a 7pm (second time)kyle and ian were there we played vid games to 9 when tina should up. she left about 1027 to get ross. ian soon fallowed, cues we all know how big of a crush he has on her lol. o matt ataked me like a dog. when ian left matt kyle and i were kicking a ball as high in to the night sky as we could; its much more fun then you think. then kyle sad " matt swimming?"
matt- "what.. u want to?"
klye- "y not"
matt- "tim?"
me - "k"
so we get past the orgy of animals that is matts first floor and to his room to chang. matt want to the bathroom to chang. kyle was trying to get there befor matt but theres no geting past matt lol. well i lock kyle out of matts room and chang well we get outside we all made a packed not to push any one in on the lives of our ex'es lol (no)the water was cold at first but got beter then the outside temp. i think thats all.
ps i leave fri about 12. im good at talking my parents in to changing things.