This is a book.
I know what you're thinking and no, I'm not an idiot. I know this is *technically* not a book. But it will be. And before you think I'm crazy (again), I will NOT be writing my novel on these index cards.
These index cards represent the warring halves of my brain.
I'm one of those rare breed creatives who use both hemispheres of my brain equally - a logical creative, if you will. And this is where the war begins.
My right side wants me to be a pantser (psst...that's fancy writing talk for "writing by the seat of my pants"), a natural, organic way of constructing a story. Letting the story take me where it wants to go: chapters written out of order, potential unplanned plot lines, unexpected twists and turns.
The left side of my brain feels threatened by this method. Pantsing could cause me to deviate from my original plot lines, character composites and themes. The left side wants me to be a plotter (another fancy writing term for "plotting" or planning the process before you write).
So what's the solution for this cerebral civil war?
Yep, back to the index cards. These cards are going to placate the logical plotter side of my brain by allowing me to plan chapter, by chapter the main idea for each one. BUT, the kooky creative side gets to scribble main ideas, plot lines, dialogue, whatever strolls into my head that has to do with this story - in whatever order it comes to me.
I can feel the treaty being drawn up now.