"Today we moved into a Best Western. My Hope is that it is a Better Western"

Dec 06, 2004 19:00

Well, life is officially boring again. Penn State Abington's production of The Laramie Project is done. We had a pretty good run for three days. We were a great cast. A motley crew to say the least. We had many highs, along with several lows (more than I'm used to in a play... am I the only one that realizes plays are supposed to be about having fun!?) All in all, it's good to say that even though the show is over, I still have eight new friends to remember it with. Our first and third shows were the best, with the second falling slightly behind. Well, to be honest I didn't notice a difference between any of the shows, but everyone said that they weren't doing good on the second night. I practically did the same routine each night, except on the second night I kinda went into overkill on this long emotional speech I give at the end, it was slightly cheesy compared to the other nights where I didn't sound like I was going to break down. Unfortunately, that was the night Ariella was there lol. The good part is that every show I managed to make a good amount of people in the audience cry! Eventually after running full rehersals and productions the subject matter started to get to me and I became slightly depressed by all of it. I liked doing a serious drama, but I'm more than ready to go back to comedies and musicals.

Speaking of comedies and musicals... I already have another rehersal this Wednesday! Haha, I can't wait. This time, it's a dark/improv/slapstick comedy called "The Miser." Basically the main character is an older man who cares about nothing but his money. And when I say he cares about his money I mean he cares about his money like Gollum cares about his ring. In fact, in the story he wants to marry off his children just because they are costing him too much money lol. I read the audition material and it was hillarious. It's a long monologue that happens after his money is stolen. He starts having a comedic near-breakdown and eventually starts accusing the audience of robbery. He even goes into the audience and starts threatening to do cavity searches. Here's the best line: "And woe betide he who is allergic to latex." Oh man I hope I get this part. I've already planned out what I'm going to do. I won't go into too many details, but it involves jumping flat on my stomach, sliding backwards on my butt, and flopping half my body off the stage. If this sounds like it may be too much, the truth is that it's too little lol. I really hope I get this part.

Damn... I need a girlfriend.

P.S. Congrats Miranda! It's cool that you didn't see the show, you were at States after all. Plus I never told you about it lol. Tori told me about States, so I thought: "Well, can't invite Miranda, Tori, Rose, etc., etc."
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