I'm doing...ok. Work has been extremely overwhelming - they increased the number of grocery orders per day we can get (worst timing ever), and on top of that we have the expected online holiday craziness. Lots of new people, quite a few experienced coworkers on leave, and all combined it leaves me feeling exhausted and overwhelmed a lot. Two days off doesn't seem to be enough time to recover before I'm thrown back into things. I'm by turns exhausted and apathetic, and I keep forgetting things. Nothing too important (like meds or appointments, for example), just...little things. I've been setting a lot of reminders on my phone, and then forgetting to check my phone. Brain fog is the worst.
Hopefully things will settle after the New Year and I'll feel less like I'm treading water. We'll see.
I'm jumping between fandoms like I'm playing a game of hot potato. SGA, James Bond, Critical Role, Dresden Files, BFU. Right now I'm revisiting the Fullmetal Alchemist fandom, which is weird because I haven't watched the anime (either of them) in years. Then again, the last time I visited the Dresden Files fandom it was 2011, so...hm. Maybe it isn't so weird. I've also started reading Silmarillion fanfiction even though I've never read the book. A friend of mine told me about a ship of theirs from the book, and despite the many characters (why do they all have five names each??) and tragic events, I sought out fic and fell in love.
Buzzfeed Unsolved is officially done, but the boys have announced a ghost hunting show called Ghost Files on their own channel. My exhaustion/apathy means I'm behind on MANY of their stuff. I've also watched a few episodes of Only Murders in the Building and it's a perfect mix of comedy and mystery, and luckily I'm watching it with a friend - which means I'm actually going to finish it lol.
Literally nothing else of interest has happened ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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