Ao3 is pulling the same shit it pulled last year and is refusing to match people who are clearly compatible. It was suggested that I use the write-in function to match people, since ao3 doesn't actually have an override system and just straight up refuses to let me match certain people.
I used the write-in function, but now ao3 is telling me, "Some participants still aren't assigned. Please either delete them or match them to a placeholder before sending out assignments." I used a spreadsheet to double check that each person is listed as a participant AND a giver, so everyone has been assigned...via write-in. I have no idea what they mean by "match them to a placeholder".
Which means I'm probably going to have to go in and edit people's sign-ups in the hopes that I can figure out what to change to get people to match. People who are listing the same ships refuse to match; I'm not sure what it is that's tripping ao3 up.
Also I go back to work tomorrow so my energy to deal with ao3's bullshit is going to abruptly drop. If anyone's willing to take on this problem and try to wrangle it, I have no problems promoting someone to co-owner.
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