June Something - Day 03 & 04 & 05

Jun 13, 2021 21:06

Day 3: What's a favorite, or at least memorable fandom meeting/interaction that you've had?
Squee weekend, every year. I'm pretty quiet in real life - shy and self-conscious and always worried I'm going to make a fool of myself. But meeting everyone there felt like finding home, and I cry every time it's time to go. Supportive, creative, hilarious, generous - these are my people, and I love them. Just the other day I was remembering that time someone set off the sprinklers in the hotel we were staying at and how we had to evacuate in the early hours of the morning.

I don't like meeting famous people. I've discovered that I prefer to go unnoticed, and even the mildest acknowledgement from someone I look up to is incredibly embarrassing. Shane & Ryan from Unsolved started their own company called Watcher, and I'm a member of their patreon. They read off the usernames of their patreon members at the end of their one show, and every time I'm even told they said my username I'm like, "Oh god, please no."

Day 4: What are the origins of your penname/username?
I was reading Stephen King's The Dark Tower series back in high school. The main character, Roland, is from a different universe, and he ends up traveling to ours. When trying to order a sandwich, he asked for a 'popkin', and I loved the word so much I made it my online username. Popkin is taken on a lot of websites, however, so I had to add some numbers.

Day 5: Compare and/or contrast your very first fandom obsession and your very latest fandom obsession.
My very first fandom was Harry Potter. This is, of course, an absolutely ginormous fandom with fic for probably every pairing one could think of. Back then fandom was very much a secret thing, and it's very much not now.

My current one is Buzzfeed Unsolved/Watcher Entertainment RPF, which is much smaller. Also Shane and Ryan know about the fanfiction written about them, and despite what people may think, have not come out one way or another in regards to it.

I also feel like fandom has become much more judgemental these days in regards to kinks and dark themes, but it's also possible that I missed all the drama back in the early 2000s. SGA was the first fandom I started reading kinky fic in, and by the time I joined the show was finished and a chunk of the fandom had moved on. Tumblr is much more multi-fandom and gives more visibility to posts of all kinds.
And now my brain has decided it's done thinking and I'm just staring at my screen, so I'm gonna post this.

This entry was originally posted at https://popkin16.dreamwidth.org/257215.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

june something

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