I kept meaning to start this and then getting distracted >.<
Day 1: What's changed about your fandom life in the last 365 days?
I jump between fandoms more now than I ever have before. In one week I'll read in at least 3 fandoms lol. But -
I was swallowed whole by Buzzfeed Unsolved.
It's funny that I should answer this question today, when it was just announced that BFU is coming to an end. It's bittersweet for me - I'm glad the guys will now be free of the toxicity of Buzzfeed, but BFU helped me survive the pandemic. I'd come home after a long day at work and watch a bunch of episodes. I could forget reality for a while and just laugh. The pandemic has taken a toll on my mental health and to find something that could actually get me to laugh... I can't overstate how important and vital that was for me.
It also inspired me fannishly - I posted my first fic for BFU in late October of 2020 and as of right now my current posted word count for the fandom is ~123,000 words. That's a lot for me.
I also got into Reddie - Richie/Eddie from the new Stephen King's IT movie. It hasn't taken over my life but I read at least one fic in the fandom per week. Unsurprising given the source material, a lot of the fic is angsty, which I've been avoiding this year like the plague (lol). But I dearly love the "childhood friends to lovers" trope and this also has canonical "magically induced amnesia" and whump and Richie, who is fucking hilarious. Also HEIGHT DIFFERENCE, which I'm now feral about in a way I wasn't before. I'm side-eyeing my time in the H50 fandom with a lot of confusion, given my current love for height differences.
Day 2: You've got your OTP, you have to throw a third into the mix (from the same fandom), creating an OT3. Who is the OTP, and in your opinion, why would they make a perfect third for them? Bonus question: What about adding a third to your OTP from a different fandom? Who and why?
HILARIOUSLY, in the Buzzfeed Unsolved fandom, I semi-regularly consume threesome fic. I've always been an OTP type of person who wasn't crazy about having a third join my ship. I shipped Parker/Hardison/Elliot from Leverage, and I liked Steve/Nancy/Jonathan in Stranger Things, but I went into the fandom shipping those. So this is my first real experience with being like, HELL YEAH when it comes to threesome fic.
I do have to be in the mood to read ot3, and it really depends on how the relationship between all three participants is portrayed. But in BFU, I'll read Shane/Ryan/Sara, or Shane/Ryan/Marielle (the latter of which I'm desperate for more of). Everyone mentioned has great chemistry together, and they genuinely like one another.
As for who I would add from a different fandom....I can't think of anyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also I still don't like reading threesomes for McShep asj;fkja Every now and then I'll look one up and give it a try but it just doesn't work for me. In my head, the boys are too busy looking at each other to notice anyone else.
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