Work has become unbearable.
We're busier than ever. My manager has started micromanage us and it's fucking everything up. We had a rhythm going. We were the best in our market and were even winning market-wide challenges without even trying. But now everyone is stressed and morale is so fucking low. My vacation is coming up, but not fast enough. I'm dreading going into work every day and it never used to be like this. I'm more exhausted and emotionally wiped out than I have been during this entire pandemic. Hello, anxiety~
The only potentially good thing that's happened lately is they've announced they're restructuring management which means the assistant manager who's doing this might be shuffled to a different department/store. But it also means we might lose our department managers, who are honestly the only saving grace (management-wise) of the department lol. Of course, there are worse assistant managers than our current one, so even her leaving might lead to worse things.
I don't really anticipate the sweeping changes everyone is talking about. I honestly think most people are going to stay where they are. I can't decide if I'm pleased or not about that.
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