ЧУДОВИЩАЯцЕНАпУТЕНЩИНЫ: тиран заставил USA предать Израиль

Mar 27, 2015 20:12

Президент США только что предал Израиль: он только что выдал потрясающий объем информации о самых охраняемых секретах Израиля, в том числе о нашей ядерной программе, в комплекте с фотографиями. Вы можете верить: на улицах Тегерана, Дамаска и Бейрута сегодня утром танцевали.....

New Height of Treachery: USA Exposes Israel's Nuclear Secrets

Above image - US satellite image of Dimona Reactor in Israel from 1968, declassified by USA and now plastered all over cyberspace and the world - courtesy of globalsecurity.org via jewishpress.com

The ink isn't even dry on our emuna-news op-ed from yesterday, Mr. V Exposed, where I wrote that the disappointed, angry and frustrated White House now wants to revenge against Israel for reelecting Bibi. Well here it is folks - put a grenade in the hand of an arrogant and frenzied individual and there will soon be shrapnel all over the place.

The President of the United States has just betrayed Israel in the most inconceivable way: he has just revealed a stunning amount of information on some of Israel’s most closely guarded secrets, including our nuclear program, complete with photographs. You can believe that there's dancing in the streets of Tehran, Damascus and Beirut this morning. We thank The Jewish Press and our good friend Mark R. from Haifa for the tipoff.

Does anyone still have any doubt about the treachery in Washington, DC? How can any Jew support a regime that intentionally endangers 6 million Jews (does the number sound familiar) in Israel?

One thing I'm delighted about - our prophets said that once the Geula begins, Israel will stand alone with no friends. Terrific, let's get on with the full redemption of our people. Brothers and sisters wherever you are, please come home soon - it's time to leave your Egypt while you still can. Today, your president betrays us, tomorrow he'll betray you. Like I said yesterday, BHO's anti-Bibi psychosis is really anti-Israel, and the anti-Israel is really anti-Semitism. It's all coming down, and things are happening faster than we can write.

А ведь КМСС предупреждал наших израильских подопечных: "USA, которая  в настоящий момент проводит мудрую и последовательную политику по глобальной дестабилизации Ближнего Востока, имеет своей конечной целью - развязать Арабо-израильскую термоядерную войну, и таким образом является самым опасным врагом Израиля."

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