...and Beyond!!!!

Jul 21, 2006 01:36

Where have I been?  Everywhere and nowhere at the same time.  My bad for not being around for such a while.

Now that's out the way, this summer has been very busy for me.  It's only July.  I work and then I work, only to work some more when I get home.  People say that you shouldn't take your work home with you, but what happens when you are your work?

Summer summary:
Worked at a theater summer camp.  Did a show.  That's all.  Didn't teach and/or learn, only because it's really hard to do anything when a) you have a deadline and b) there are some kids running around on a sugar high.  Not everyone was, but dare I say running after only one is one too many.

Less than two weeks later I co-hosted the Run! Theater Workshop.  We put on an original show entitled Broken Lines.  I saw so much growth in the actors.  It was wonderful.  We bonded and all learned something about ourselves and performing/directing.  Quite possibly the most rewarding experience I've ever had as an artist.

Less than four days later (currently), I'm teaching the Centerstage Workshop (high school).  Basically in order to prepare the students for the upcoming year.  It's a lot of fun.  But it's hard.  It's hard wanting to teach new things to the students who were involved with Run!, when you have to teach the less experienced the fundamentals.  The older guys need a challenge as much as the "newbies".  Where is the middle ground?  I try...that's all I can do.

For those who think that performance art is just a little thing...you couldn't be any more wrong.  This is a full time job.  I spend time preparing for each day.  I read, re-read, and review material.  I understand a teacher's pain.  I take my work home, because I am my work.  In my mind, I'm basically working right now...typing too, it's called multi-tasking.

By the way, I've been maintaining a full time job (40 hour week) in the process.  
Vacation?  Don't even know what that is.  The closest thing I had to that was the weekend I spent in Tallahasee.  That was very nice.  Why can't I have more of those?  A Weekend in Tallahassee, Texas, Chicago, or even a weekend in ice cream (that would be REAL nice).

Over the summer, people have gotten "dealt with" thanks to me.  Am I destined to get "dealt with" since I've been doing the dealing?  How have I kept my sanity?  Do I even have any left?  Please, someone tell me if I've totally cracked.  I apologize if I have.  If I haven't then the person/people responsible really deserve a reward presented by SweetTalkProductions.

Even though this summer has been full of work, I've made a couple of good memories.  I've bonded with some great people, making good quality art.  I've found a star to look to (the second one to the right), that reminds me of who I really am, what I aspire to be, and for inspiration.

I don't have a real way of concluding this...sorry.

End of Transmission
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