May 31, 2012 11:52

Yes, it's been a while since you've seen that icon. My last DRAMA FREE THURSDAY entry was 3 days before Lisa died.

Until I went to look at the tags, I didn't realize that. That's...a difficult realization.

Excuse me for a minute while I gather myself.


For the new people reading me, I've been doing a weekly(ish) topic here on my LJ called DRAMA FREE THURSDAY (DFT for short) for most of my run here on LJ.

2012 so far has been a bad year for DFT. And when Lisa passed, the trauma and grief pretty much prevented me from focusing on this. I just couldn't bring myself to write these kind of posts. Not that the death of a spouse is a function of DRAMA, just that I didn't have the motivation to collect my thoughts, organize them and turn them into DFT posts. Not only that, the whole idea of DFT is to often explain how we turn molehills into mountains and at a time when you're dealing with a "mountain", you see everything as a "molehill". So my perspective is skewed.

Now, this isn't a post to tell you that DFT is back or that I'm ready to pick up the torch and run with it again...because I ain't. Still processing and grieving and that lift is still so heavy right now that I just can't. The closest I can come is what I posted HERE on Tuesday (I guess that technically that's still a "DFT").

But I did think it was a good time to introduce new readers of my LJ to the concept and to spread a little of the DFT around. It's always a good thing to be DRAMA FREE. So to that end, I'm simply posting a link to the DRAMA FREE THURSDAY tag and allowing everyone who wants to peruse (or ignore) to so so at their leisure.

DFT will return at some point. I promise.

In the meantime...




Be well.

- O.

drama free thursday, links

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