Yesterday's DFT yielded this discussion with
acelightning. I thought I'd share it with you.
You're not the only person who believes that concentrating on ugly, painful, depressing things isn't "smart", it's just plain wrong. Astrologer and mad genius Rob Brezny says that
Evil Is Boring. Brezny invented "pronoia" - the opposite of "paranoia", it's the belief that the Universe is a vast conspiracy to shower you with blessings. If you're not already familiar with his writings on the subject, I suggest you poke around on that website some more...
I've had a number of people leave my circle, both online and off because my happiness and positivity and my choice to not focus on my anger and rage or create what I call "anger porn" out there. That the happiness was grating and irritating. That this was a "show" put on for other's benefit.
Not gonna lie. That all hurts.
Craig Ferguson once opened his show with a song about Doctor Who where he explained that the show is about "the triumph of intellect and romance over brute force and cynicism". I liked that. It's how I feel about life. I try to be that way.
That being said, while I *AM* sad that they left. When I was thinking about this in my head I was going to say I wasn't, but that's male bovine excrement. I'm an extrovert, I draw energy from the people around me either in reality or virtually. So each loss stings a little.
But I think I'm even sadder about the *reasons* they left. Essentially that there isn't enough dark, that no one can be that happy, that there's some agenda other than trying to make the world better than it is one moment at a time.
I've been called a lot of things under the sun for this.
"Arrogant", "condescending" and a "narcissist". Not sure these people know what these words mean. OK, that was condescending, but it ain't wrong. :D
I want to be someone my parents look back on and say they made a good person. I want my wife to look at me and say she loves a good man, and I want to be able to look myself in the mirror and say I done good. I don't get that dwelling in the dark.
I was originally going to leverage the Brezny link into something else, but I don't have the ability to string the words together in my head right now. I'll table it for now and maybe, just maybe you'll see it.
In the meantime...
This kind of sums up a lot of me and why I do what I do. And how I feel about the things around it.
Thought you should see it.
Now you know.
And yes, it *IS* half the battle.
- O. (aka