(no subject)

Jun 26, 2011 18:46

I went on an accidentally Internet-less vacation. I made careful plans involving the purchase of a nifty mifi thingy to avoid that very scenario, but it turns out that mifi only works if you are not vacationing in a concrete bunker, which I was.

The bunker did afford me ample leisure time. I finally watched the first part of Deathly Hallows (its biggest virtue was to make the boring bits of the book interesting, and its primary vice was a failure to explain that Dumbledore totally did eat babies), read some of Suzanne Collins's Underland Chronicles (because I do not actually enjoy reading the Hunger Games books and am seriously unexcited at their movification, sorries), started in on Dark Angel (hilarious turn-of-the-century fashion predictions!), contemplated throwing aside A Visit from the Goon Squad (never seek from litfic what you can get elsewhere), and became mildly obsessed with Carcassonne (effing cloisters).

I can't BELIEVE I'm expected to go to work tomorrow.

Before I return to reality, DS9 Rewatch has hit John Glover's episode. Wahoo.
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