It is amazing how something as simple as a danceable new Britney song will revive one after an entire week of stressiness at work. And I guess this is why my LJ username is still what it is.
The only other good thing that happened this week was
these Aetrex shoes, which I tried based upon complainy reviews about how small they run. Happily for me, they really do run that small! They are the first truly all-day-comfortable work-appropriate heels I have found that are actually in my size, and not some approximate size I obtain only through inserts. I can't wait to try another style in black. Sadly, that requires waiting for another paycheck, but it will be so worth it.
The book I am reading: Jim Butcher's Storm Front and Ally Condie's Matched.
The book I am writing: One Day They'll See How Right I Was: The Journals of [Nia Fantastic].
The book I love most: Monica Furlong's Wise Child and Jill Paton Walsh's A Parcel of Patterns. (I can't actually recommend A Parcel of Patterns to anyone else, because it is a super-depressing book about Eyam, the so-called plague village. But I bear irrational love for it.)
The last book I received as a gift: Vincent McCaffrey's Hound.
The last book I gave as a gift: Tony Perottet's Pagan Holiday. (This is, by the way, THE book to give to friends/loved ones/bosses who drive you crazy by talking about their Mediterranean holidays when you have never been to the Mediterranean.)
The nearest book on my desk: The Best of Everything by Rona Jaffe. Which I haven't read yet.