Any more Karma Tontine players?

Jan 20, 2011 10:47

I know there are a few more of you out there! And I can honestly feel the increased karma this year. So come get some!!!

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ian_tiberius January 21 2011, 01:37:01 UTC

Big Goal: Get that damn Facebook game launched. For reals. For really reals. Cross my heart and hope to die, may lightning strike me in the eye if I lie.

Long-time tontine followers will know that this has been my #1 goal for three years now - 2008, 2009, 2010. I keep failing at it, which is very dismaying to me. (okay, technically I switched projects in mid-2008, so this one has only been my #1 goal for 2.5 years, but *still*.)

Whatever I'm doing now, it's not working. So here it is: I need help. If you have ideas on how I can make this happen for real in 2011, please speak up.

One idea I've been mulling for a while is to make this semi-public; put up a game dev blog, report on my progress regularly, and give you guys a place to follow my project and/or encourage and/or harass me. Does this sound like something that would help, or something that would become a distraction from the real goal? Would you personally be willing to read it and encourage/pester me?

Small goal #1: get back in shape. After a good 2009, I stopped going to the gym for most of 2010 and put back on most of the weight I lost. I am resolving to fix that in the new year. I am also signed up for a 5K in April, so I need to start running, too. Prime gave good advice at one point to be concrete, so here is my concrete goal: go to the gym three times a week in 2011. Losing weight would be nice too, running a seven-minute mile would be cool, bench-pressing half again my own weight would be lovely, but my concrete goal is just to go to the damn gym three times a week.

Small goal #2: get my free-play certification in my fencing class (which means I'm allowed to spar.) This is the goal I'm most likely to accomplish - I basically just need to keep showing up twice a week, pass a test in July and another test in August or September, and I'm in. However, if I blow either test, I don't get another chance for six to eight months, so I really want to make this happen.

Small goal #3: clean up my apartment. This is in a way the least achievable of my goals, as I am thoroughly unmotivated to do it. Those cardboard boxes that haven't been opened in ten years aren't hurting anyone, right? But I really would like to get all my crap sorted out, throw away the stuff I don't need any more, and have a home that's organized for the first time since the mid-nineties.

Small goal #4: Learn more and develop new skills. I feel as though I have been very stagnant over the last several years. It's been a while since I really flexed the ol' noodle. I would like to pick up at least one new skill (or master something I already dabble in) this year. Possibilities: Python, Java, a foreign language, a new sport (rock climbing and jujitsu are both taught mere blocks from my apartment), cooking, skiing...

Small goal #5: Do something outdoorsy, more than an afternoon at the park. Several years ago I did a multi-day hike into Death Valley, and in 2009 I camped on the Channel Islands with friends, and I would like to do something like that this year. Maybe a three-day camping expedition somewhere interesting.

Small goal #6: Read more nonfiction. Not that I read a lot of fiction, I just don't read much at all. Or to be much more precise, I read a *ton*, I just do it in bite-size bits on the Internet rather than reading real books. Technically, this doesn't have to be "reading"; right now, I'm wading through a BBC audioseries ("A Short History of Ireland, in 240 Parts") and I would count that, but the point is to consume more useful information in a format that allows for in-depth exploration of a subject. Waiting on my bookshelf right now is "Battle Cry of Freedom", about the Civil War, but it's been there for many months. I need to make time to read.


popepat January 24 2011, 21:10:32 UTC
This is all very doable. If I may be so bold... working on getting back in shape will make you feel like you can take on anything els, and I bet one of the first things you hit out of the park would be the FB project.

Yes, a Dev site would be helpful for me. Maybe for all of us. I'd love to check in regularly on your progress. And I would pester you to keep it up. I wish people would pester me to keep up the PatGames site! (


ian_tiberius January 25 2011, 21:23:27 UTC
Pester pester!

All right, Pat, I see you're still at PatGame #18 and have been for a long time, so here's my karma contribution: if you write PatGame #19 and PatGame #20, I will write #21 as a special contributor. I have one that I think will fit nicely into your oeuvre. But if you want to see it, you need to get to #20!


popepat February 15 2011, 19:09:56 UTC
I love it. Now I have motivation. (sorry, I dont read LJ more often) I have the next dozen PatGames in the chute, I just lack that same thing we all do in this little group... motivation. Ok. I can do this!


notjenschiz January 27 2011, 17:38:09 UTC
this is Ian's year of "get it out the door!"
that includes your facebook app and your ass ;-)
get your 0.5 alpha version shipped, and I think it will increase your motivation to get to full release.
I'll help pester you.


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