Jan 10, 2011 17:29
It's time to put it down in writing. What are your goals for 2011? What do you need help with? What have you been putting off? Can I help you? Can we all help you?
Please state your BIG and SMALL goals here.
Become a Project Manager
I suck at that. I really do. But the tools to become better at time, project, deadline, communication management are no secret. They dont cost money and they havent changed in decades. They are right there in every book about managing one's life and tasks. They are effortlessly employed by successful people. Even dingbats know how to make their dingbaty projects move forward, so why not me? 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? How do I not have these down yet? I cant even think of one off the top of my head... though I think making a to-do list and doing it must be one of them).
I have projects and I need to start managing!
I write a lot. But I am afeared of re-writing. I need to get un-afeared.
Fitness, game design, decluttering, reading, cooking... I'm gonna work on all those too.