Jan 20, 2008 03:25
I dusted off my old LiveJournal blog on Friday, and since then, I've felt the urge to get back to blogging on a regular basis. And by regular basis, I mean anywhere from once a week to thrice weekly to often.
Inspired by Will Nevin's routine of blogging on a set topic each day, I came up with the idea of what I am calling "dice blogging." A roll of a single die determines which topic I would write about that day. But since a six-sided die would give you at most six topics (five if you wanted to make one a "wild card"), I decided to search for dice with more sides. Not knowing where the nearest Dungeons & Dragons group (Clan? Pack? Coven?) could be located, and after coming up empty handed after visiting Spencer Gifts and a mall bookstore, I ordered a pack of dice off eBay. The pack has seven dice, including ones of the eight, 10-, 12- and 20-sided varieties.
Now here's where you come in. Below are 12 topics I've come up with. Do you have an opinion on them? What topics might you remove or add? If we can come up with a solid 20 (or 19 + the wild card), then I'll go with that. If not, 12 would work.
Wild Card
LifeBlog/Personal life
Stream of Consciousness
And if by chance we can put some legs on this idea, does anyone else want to experiment with it?