Peeking my head up from the practice of law with some good news and some bad news.
The good news is that my Memphis Lovecraftian poem, "
Memphis Street Railway Co. v. Stratton: 1915", originally published at
New Myths, was nominated for a 2013 Rhysling Award by some wonderful soul. (It also got
some lovely praise from very talented poet and editor
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I, too, thought the Rhysling book was weird especially the bizarre decision to list authors by first name--something my students in bonehead English would do, but not what I expect from a professional. It does bother me that, possibly, I might not be making the best decisions when voting on the poems based on their versions in the antho, although I think I know a typo when I see one and would not hold it against the author, so why tell people not to buy the Rhysling antho? What possible good could come of this? Do you also tell people not to buy your novels, because believe me, the books I've had published have far more errors than any poetry I've every published anywhere courtesy of the big-time, professional publishers who inserted errors AFTER I had proofed the galleys. That's the way it is in the publishing world, really! I know you're hurt, and there's no excuse for what happened, but please don't take it out on the rest of us in SFPA. We love you and want the best for you and all of us in genre poetry. Also, remember that the people doing this are volunteers. When I was a literary agent, I could not get ANYONE to volunteer as an intern who was not an alcoholic, drug addict, illiterate, or simply unreliable. That's how it is nowadays and we're lucky anyone would volunteer to do the job.
Denise Dumars
I'm really confused. This is Elizabeth's journal. Did you mean to respond to her?
To clarify, I have left the SFPA, but not because of the Rhysling anthology.
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