Music Meme

May 10, 2013 11:33

Day 28: One song that needs to never be played again.

Well, if it never need be played again I guess I won't link any videos. Haha!

Barrett's Privateers and Pachabel's Canon

Two are two songs I have heard MORE than enough in my life-time and could easily do without ever hearing anymore, ever, thank you very much.

Slightly less annoying but still on the overplayed list:

Roxanne - Police (which is a shame because I am a big Police fan)
Diamonds - Rihanna (that song just doesn't make sense to me)
Scream and Shout - Wil I Am and Britney Spears (another song that make very little sense).

The difference with these three and the previous two though, are that if they come on the radio I might still sing to them, if the mood is there.

If you ever see me singing along to Barrett's Privateers or Pachabel's Canon, I can pretty much guarantee I'll be doing it poorly and/ or rolling my eyes at the same time. :p

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