Back from the dead

Apr 06, 2007 21:04

Arise, LJ, arise!


So I made a new year's resolution to update my Live Journal occasionally.  Now that the year is one-third over, I guess I should get started.

It's day five of training at Teleperformance's Dell Project training.  I took the job to cover some nasty gaps in our finances.  I figured it would be boring, but I didn't think it would be dull enough that I would learn how to write Linux device drivers, read up on arcology, work on a pair of servers for my day job, and update my LJ.

It is profoundly embarrasing, passing every test with flying colors when everyone else in the class is struggling.  It's a bit like going back to kindergarten when you're 18.

Three more weeks 8 hours a day of training, then a decent schedule.  And I will get to see Katte again for more than an hour a day.  I look forward to that.

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