Dec: In 2008, popegrutch resolves to...
Find a better egypt. (computer-generated resolution. Funny how it said "2008.")
Nov: I went out last night to what will probably be my last History Dept. Halloween Party, and got to see and talk to more historians than I have for three or four months. (did go to one happy hour since then, and have an end-of-semester party at a history teacher’s house tomorrow).
Oct: I am in shock. (about Bavaria’s electing the SPD over the CSU)
I guess it's normal to feel pretty mixed about going back home at the end of a summer abroad.
My weekly update will be a bit shorter this week because I haven't been doing as many touristy things.
July: Tonight is the second July 4th in a row that I have managed not to be in the US for. (the sort of grammar with which we shall not put)
June: Now safely in Portland. (the last four reflect the fact that I traveled a LOT this year)
Some of these are fun. (about one of my movie character updates).
April: On my latest reviewing of the second Star Trek movie, the following alternative scenario occurred to me. (worth re-reading, actually)
March: Perhaps a First Step...Or perhaps not. (about a visit to the Library Science Dept at UNC).
No posts in Feb, I guess.
Jan: As often happens after I do a stint in a hotel room, I've been thinking about ( Jack Webb ) of late. (the parentheses here represent an lj cut to a rambling discussion of “procedural crime dramas,” generally my favorite genre of Television).