However, I have discovered something that must be shared.
In a older post by
ursulav talking about how the Atton Rand (Knights of the Old Republic II, The Sith Lords), is the only character in the game with a sense of humor. She goes on to comment about how the light side/good guys wouldn't know a punchline if it introduced itself politely.
This prompted a comment thread about D&D Paladins being hard to like if they don't tell good jokes on occasion. It culminated in the following:
"A paladin of Hatitsnu, patron of long monologues and mime artists"
"A Mime Paladin who gives long monologues..."
"While wielding a two-handed sword. And a tabard that bears the credo, 'This Side Towards Enemy.'
Because he simply has to be a Claymore Mime."
This pun crippled the thread entirely.