Despite the crowded marketplace on Friday, the box office performed well in line with all expectations. No longer benefiting from the early midnight shows, Iron Man’s second Friday was off a steep 71% from its opening night. Grossing an estimated $14 million, the film is on track to pull in another $50 million for the frame, a drop-off that will likely be over 60%. Universal’s Robin Hood, which debuted to middling reviews, is faring quite well. The Ridley Scott, Russell Crowe pairing earned an estimated $13 million on Friday, and is on track to generate between $38 and $40 million for the weekend. One thing is for sure, its gross internationally is far more robust than its performance stateside. In fact, internationally, Robin Hood will generate over $75 million for the weekend, a number that will translate to over $200 million for the entire run. Not bad for a film that critics and media reporters were fearing was going to be the first real disappointment of the summer season.