Jan 21, 2010 23:31

-> The internet: isolating me from civilisation, one IM service at a time. AIM and MSN down as well. IS THERE SOME KIND OF FREAK VIRUS THAT ONLY TARGETS IM PROGRAMS?

-> But anyway, this is kind of a good thing - I've spent the past couple of days finding other sources of interwebs entertainment. LIKE weepingcock. Better than other sporking comms, because it's just BAD SEX, ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. IN BOTH FIC AND PUBLISHED WORKS. OH GOD, IT'S AMAZINGLY BAD. SO AMAZINGLY BAD IT'S JUST AMAZING. Here's one of my favourite entries, to get you started. XD

-> Help me flist, you're my only hope! There's this Colin/Bradley fic, I think? It was cute clichè fic, where they nap together in one of their trailers in between scenes. And they end up waking even ~fresher and more ~rejuvenated than before. So they're all, "oh hay, this is comfortable we should do this all the time" etc etc, but you know, in a less cheesy way. Summaries, I fail at them. But that's honestly all I remember. Two actors and fluffy napping. So uh. It could be Colin/Bradley, Jensen/Jared or ZQ/CPine. Isn't that such a nice, narrow field? DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THIS IS? I swear I bookmarked it but *helpless hands* Just thought I should ask here before I go off spamming three huge fandoms and annoying everyone in the process.

~zachary quinto, omg you must read/watch/see this, ~jensen ackles, ~jared padalecki, ~bradley james, ~colin morgan, observe my fail, ha ha, help plz?, ~chris pine

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