God possibly loves me

Oct 21, 2008 18:44

Stolen from micheleeeex

That's Jensen Ackles. At Michael Johns' birthday party. The same party that Cook and Archie are at. *blink blink* So...iCarly+Cook AND iCarly+Archie and now....Supernatural+Cook+Archie? I will never complain about anything ever again. No really, I may seem oddly calm right now but inside I am squeeing my effing guts out.

Ummm....would it be morally wrong, even for me, to ship Jenarchie? Is Jensen maybe a teeny bit too old for him? How about Archulecki then? I'm serious people. I could also possibly be down for some CACKLES (OMG, that is an awesome ship name, if I do say so myself XD) or Cookalecki/Padacook (haven't decided which one I like better. You know, this ship name inventing thing is fun. I should pair them with random people just so I can make up the ship names).

Muhahahaha. I have shoved some Wincest fics in etiam_exspecto's face. I know she won't be able to resist.

I was just looking through some of my flist's older journal entries (I'm a stalker, sorry) and realized that poppyfields13 tagged me for a meme, but I must've missed it (I'm sure there's more I've missed from everyone).

1. List your top five ships.
2. Put all of them in order of your love for them; 5 to 1, 1 being your favourite.
3. Name their fandom.
4. Supply photos for said people.
5. Tag six people (I'm being lazy again. Do it if you want. It's fun. =D)

005 ~ House/Cameron [House MD - sometimes canon, a lot of the times not, because the writers like to screw with every single ship on the show]
So...Cameron pisses me off sometimes but House is awesome. I'm pretty sure that if I had gotten into this fandom after my newly discovered love of slash, I'd ship House/Wilson instead. Old habits die hard.

004 ~ Derek/Casey [Life with Derek - not exactly canon...but it really sorta is XD]
Step-siblings with more UST than Mr and Mrs Smith. I swear.

003 ~ Nathan/Haley [One Tree Hill - canon]
Naley will always hold a special place in my heart, even though I'm not active in the OTH fandom anymore.

002 ~ Sam/Dean [Supernatural - Um. I really wish I could say canon, but alas, the majority of the world would freak out if it was]
Basically? Sam and Dean are hot, adorkable, funny, sexy, painful, dark, twisted love. Did I mention hot?

001 ~ David Cook/David Archuleta [American Idol - Are you kidding me? CANON, duh]
They just. I have no words.

Okay, so that's...not all. I couldn't just leave my other ships out! ( BTW, I am totally aware that I have a shipping problem). Here's an honourable mentions list. XD

[Star Wars]
Hayden Christensen/Natalie Portman

[One Tree Hill]
Tyler Hilton/Sophia Bush
[canon for one night]
[Harry Potter]

[School of Rock]
[Classic Degrassi]
[canon right up into present day Degrassi, and then not =(]

[Criminal Minds]
[non-canon but oh so flirty]
[Criminal Minds]
[not his baby, not canon. damn]

[canon for a while]
[they have building-breaking sex. I would consider that canon]

I just realized that I spent a ridiculous amount of time on this post. I need a life. BUT WHO NEEDS ONE WHEN YOU CAN SHIP ARCHULECKI? Just me onboard that ship then? It's okay guys, I understand.

cookleta (is real), aaaaah!, *icarly, ~david cook, jensen and jared are in love, *supernatural, ~david archuleta, !meme, for the win(cest), *life with derek

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