Nov 08, 2004 12:16
My dad called me last night, and I'm getting my new cellphone like today or tomorrow. Hopefully today! Well its not a new cell phone, but its the one that came with when my dad made the account. I think over christmas break I will be working and I'm going to buy me a new cool one. My dad said that the number is still the same, but he doesn't know about having all my phone #s. Thats going to suck to get ahold of everyone to get there # again. I have been sick the past couple days, and it sucks. I wish I was at home, because my dad would take care of me. It sucks taking care of myself. I don't even have money to buy medicince. I ask my dad for more money, and I think he felt bad for me. So he is putting money in today.
I have less then 4 days, that I will be going home with Ashley. I'm excited! Ashley says she doesn't know what we should do. Well, she is talking to this guy named googles(I don't think that is right, thats what I call him) And he isn't friends with Eric. But I don't want to force that on Eric to have to take me out on a date or something. I'm not going to lie, but I'm freakin the fuck out. God I'm beening so girly, and I can't help it. Like I'm already trying to pick out what I'm going to wear. AND ITS MONDAY!! I think I'm just going to wear a sweater and jeans. I guess that would be cute. And I can't ask any of my roommates, because they are retarted. LOL!